Page 15 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (91)
P. 15

                                                                                                                  VILLAGES       |   村寨


                                            Sugath Rathnayake is a teacher at School             年幼时梦想来到中国,2016 年终于梦想成真。来自
                                          of Foreign Languages of Yunnan Universi-            斯里兰卡的苏嘎特·拉特纳亚克目前是云南大学外国语学
                                          ty. He is a Yunnan Government Friendship            院僧伽罗语专业外教。在来中国的 7 年里,他与中国的友
                                          Award winner, a former foreign expert at Chi-       谊不断加深。他向学院捐赠了 1000 册僧伽罗语图书,成
                                          na Radio International (CRI), a senior journal-     立了“中斯友谊图书室”,以表达其对僧伽罗语专业教学
                                          ist in Sri Lanka, and a published author.           与科研工作的关心和支持。

        By our staff correspondents                                                                                                    □ 本刊综合

           China is my childhood dream country.   language skills, I also teach them life lessons   na is now a major educational destination   friendship with China.
        The information I learned in school about   like how to overcome challenges to achieve   for international students. Many expats aim   As I have read, in the past, the Chinese
        things like the Great Wall, the Yangtze Riv-  higher goals.           to reap the benefits of China’s booming   people suffered from not being able to even
        er, and Tibetan Buddhism led to an increased   Opening a library of a thousand Sinhala   economy. It has become essential for other   get their daily meal. But nowadays, that
        love for this dreamland. My dream became   books at Yunnan University is special among   countries to conduct international educa-  situation has completely changed. That sad
        true in 2016 when I came to China as a for-  my friendship stories. These thousand books   tion cooperation with China. Being able to   background was changed by the collective
        eign expert .                      were donated. Named the “China-Sri Lanka   implement various educational programs,   efforts of the Chinese people. Rapid urbani-
           I’m fortunate to teach at the best univer-  Friendship Library”, this library will be very   including student exchange programs, by   zation and economic growth, poverty allevi-
        sity in southwest China’s Yunnan Province.   helpful for the studies of Chinese students   connecting Chinese universities with the   ation, cashless society, China becoming the
        Yunnan people are very friendly and hospi-  learning Sinhala.         main public universities of Sri Lanka has a   world’s No. 1 e-commerce market, commit-
        table. Their coexistence in a multi-ethnic so-  During my stay in China, many friend-  special place in my friendship stories with   ment to environmental security, the abolition
        ciety is admirable. The weather in Yunnan is   ship stories with China were added to my   China.         of the one-child policy, and becoming a
        very comfortable and pleasant. Food is deli-  life. All those stories are based on my prac-  Due to the educational bridge built in   leader in space exploration are some of Chi-
        cious. Famous as “Animal Kingdom”, “Plant   tical experience in China. It is the custom   this way, many Chinese students received   na's great achievements. China’s scientific
        Kingdom” and “Garden of the World”, the   of Chinese people to greet a foreigner with   post-graduate study opportunities at Sri   progress, such as in artificial intelligence,
        province has abundant natural and cultural   a smile. A foreigner is given this warm wel-  Lankan public universities. Most of the   quantum computing, artificial sun, digital
        resources. Kunming, the capital of Yunnan,   come by saying “ 你好 ”(hello) on the road,   Chinese students in Sri Lanka’s main public   economy, and solar society, is opening new
        is known as the Spring City.       at the workplace, in shops, or on public   universities, especially the University of   avenues for world development. In this situ-
           I work every day with wonderful stu-  transport services. Chinese people are very   Colombo, the University of Kelaniya, and   ation, I believe that the entire Chinese socie-
        dents, co-teachers, and other faculty mem-  friendly, affectionate, generous, and willing   the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, are   ty will undergo a rapid transformation in the
        bers. Many stories of my friendship with   to help others. When a foreigner makes a   currently studying various subjects. For that,   next few years.
        China have been formed through my univer-  request, they fulfill it without hesitation. Es-  I was able to act as a facilitator for the MOU   Finally, a Chinese saying comes to mind.
        sity life. When I go to the university canteen   pecially when a language problem arises or   between the two parties. Under that, those   “Seeing once is better than hearing a hundred
        for food,  to the library to read books, and   when they ask for information about a route,   universities have introduced special courses   times”. During the last 7 years I spent in China,
        to the stadium to play, I meet students and   they leave their work aside and help foreign-  for Chinese students. If you visit those uni-  many friendship stories with China were built
        teachers from different schools, majors and   ers.                    versities in Sri Lanka these days, you will   on the basis of these experiences. It is undeni-
        provinces. Their love and respect are un-  Doing business, traveling, and studying   see many Chinese students. Being able to   able that these truly beautiful and interesting
        diminished. I don’t just teach my students   in China has now become fashionable. Chi-  build a bridge for this is another story of my   experiences added light to my life.
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