Page 12 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (91)
P. 12

12         CITY LIFE     |   城事

           Kunming and Pokhara — Long distance

                                   separates no bosom friends



           By Zhang Yong                                                                                                             □ 张勇 / 文

                                        On July 8, 2013, Kunming of Yunnan and Pokhara of Nepal formally became Friendly Cities.
                                      Ever since then, the two sides have carried out fruitful and pragmatic cooperation in fields such as
                                      sports, culture, tourism, health, and education. Today, through diversified exchanges and coopera-
                                      tion, the two cities are writing a new chapter of friendship across the Himalayas.

                                         2013 年 7 月 8 日,云南省昆明市与尼泊尔博克拉市正式缔结友好城市关系。自此,双方
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