Page 15 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (96)
P. 15

                                                                                                                  VILLAGES       |   村寨

                                                                         T        o reach Huilong Village, one must traverse a lush grove on the hillside and stroll along

                                                                                  a broad, well-paved road for a brief distance. “Huilong is the local name for a type of
                                                                                  wild fruit found in the mountains, also known as goat berry,” explained Yang Jiefen,
                 Immersing in Hani  T a resident of the Hani village, to visitors. The newly constructed Hani homes in the
            customs in the village                                       village are characterized by green tiles and red walls adorned with bright patterns and traditional
                                                                         motifs. Opening a window reveals a picturesque vista of emerald mountains and clear waters.
                          of Huilong



                    People’s Daily Overseas Edition and Yunnan Daily

                         □ 人民日报海外版、云南日报
                                                                        Previously, the village roads were filled with   Jiefen, who enjoys gardening and caring for pets,
              Huilong Village, located in Mengla Township, Meng-      potholes, and the residents dwelled in humble,   has installed a fish pond in the courtyard, adorned
            la County, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture,       run-down dwellings, perpetually facing financial   the space with green plants, and arranged tables
            Yunnan Province, is a multi-ethnic frontier village pre-  constraints. As depicted in a rustic verse by a vil-  and chairs, establishing her courtyard as one of
            dominantly inhabited by the Hani ethnic group. In recent   lager, “only the wind bothered to clear the debris,   the village’s favored locations.
            years, the landscape of the village has transformed with   wastewater meandered freely, and chicken coops   “The previously vacant house has been put
            the emergence of many red-brick houses showcasing         were erected wherever convenient.”     into use. Visitors can now stargaze, enjoy the
                                                                                                             moon, sip tea, engage in conversations, and savor
                                                                        Over the past few years, following the imple-
            distinct ethnic features, signaling significant changes oc-  mentation of targeted poverty alleviation policies,   farm-fresh cuisine,” Jiefen remarked. This serene
            curring in this vibrant community.                        Huilong Village has undergone a remarkable   and laid-back setting has won the hearts of many.
                                                                      transformation. Situated amidst the Mengla Na-  Jiefen can now attend to her elderly parents and
               位于云南省西双版纳傣族自治州的勐腊县是中国边境城市之                             tional Nature Reserve on three sides, the village   young children while working from home. Dur-
            一,勐腊县会龙村是一个以哈尼族为主、多民族聚居的村寨。近                              leverages its status as a “National Forest Village”   ing weekends, she takes part in ethnic music and
                                                                      and its proximity to the 4A-rated Wangtianshu   dance performances as well as cooking contests.
                                                                      National Scenic Area. This strategic positioning   Walking along the recently renovated stone
            境幸福村寨正在悄然“蝶变”中。                                           has allowed the village to not only strengthen   pathways in the village, one can admire the harmo-
                                                                      its forestry and alcohol distilling industries but   nious blend of houses and scenery. “It’s a delightful
                                                                      also integrate agriculture with tourism to pro-  experience to witness the rubber forests adorning
                                                                      mote rural tourism. Presently, the village boasts   the mountains, inhale the fresh air, and appreciate
                                                                      23 homestay accommodations and 12 farmer’s   the melodious songs of birds and insects in the
                                                                      restaurants, drawing an increasing number of vis-  valleys,” said a visitor. As the village’s reputation
                                                                      itors keen to immerse themselves in the authentic   continues to grow, numerous tourists traveling
                                                                      Hani ethnic culture.                   to the Wangtianshu Scenic Area and its environs
                                                                        To enhance the village’s aesthetics, each   make a special effort to explore the village. During
                                                                      household has established its vegetable garden,   holidays, the influx of tourists is so significant that
                                                                      flower garden, and orchard, cultivating a variety   reservations become necessary.
                                                                      of wild vegetables, flowers, and fruit trees. As   As night descended, the mosaic of Hani dwell-
                                                                      one wanders through the village, picturesque   ings was enhanced by the gentle glow of warm
                                                                      courtyards shaded by lush trees, colorful flowers   lights. Some tourists were savoring the peaceful
                                                                      adorning the surroundings, and majestic moun-  evening on the terrace, while others ventured out
                                                                      tains encircling the area come into view. The aro-  to partake in the forthcoming ethnic music and
                                                                      ma of flowers and the melody of birdsong attract   dance performances.
                                                                      a continuous flow of tourists seeking to bask in   The picturesque natural surroundings and dis-
                                                                      the tranquil ambiance.                 tinctive ethnic characteristics of Huilong Village
                                                                        The Yang family has constructed a two-story   have captured the attention of numerous painters,
                                                                      building, where the second floor operates as a   who depict the village’s charming landscapes and
                                                                      homestay, and the first-floor functions as a farm-  unique ethnic elements. Admiring a portrait of her
                                                                      er’s restaurant and café. Additionally, the family   created by a painter, a villager named Bai Huixian
                                                                      sells homemade cowhide, sour bamboo shoots,   remarked, “The likeness in this portrait is striking.
                                                                      Clerodendranthus spicatus (kidney-enhancing   I’ll keep it as a memento of our village’s growing
                                                                      tea), Puer tea, and other agricultural products.   beauty and thriving tourism industry.”
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