Page 13 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (96)
P. 13

                                                                                                                   CITY LIFE     |   城事

                                                                              Yunnan Daily                                             □ 云南日报

                                                                                 Riddle-solving, dumpling-making, and

                                                                                           other traditional customs


                                                                                On the evening of the Lantern Festival,   ees could also sample yuanxiao dumplings
                                                                              a lantern show took place at the Confucius   shaped like cartoon characters, along with
                                                                              Temple in Kunming, offering the public a   Chinese pastries and snacks. These varied ac-
                                                                              chance to engage in a variety of cultural   tivities provided everyone with an opportunity
                                                                              activities like solving riddles, playing pitch-  to explore the preservation and development
                                                                              pot games, crafting lanterns, painting fans,   of traditional culture.
                                                                              and rolling iron hoops. An intriguing aspect   Dragon and lion dances took place at
                                                                              was a poem recitation game where partici-  the “First Town of Colorful Yunnan” in
                                                                              pants took turns, and a knowledge quiz was   Kunming, delighting the public with the
                                                                              organized to introduce the rich traditional   allure of traditional sports. A total of 33
                                                                              Chinese culture to all attendees.  teams, with close to 400 performers, took
                                                                                During the Lantern Festival, a wide range   part in the dragon and lion dances. During
                                                                              of intangible cultural heritage items were   the parade, majestic dragons and auspicious
                                                                              displayed at the Confucius Temple, including   lions gracefully moved through the streets,
                                                                              variegated copperware, leather carving, em-  conveying best wishes to the enthusiastic
                                                                              broidery, stoneware made with twistable clay   crowds. In the dance performances, a va-
                                                                              bodies, and tile cats. In the zone of creative   riety of dragons swayed to the rhythm of
                                                                              works, visitors had the chance to engage with   drumbeats and lively music, showcasing
                                                                              3D printing of dragons, Han Chinese attire   impressive acrobatics. The skillful lion
                                                                              and hair accessories, artistic photography, chil-  dancers also garnered enthusiastic applause
                                                                              dren’s artwork, and plant handicrafts. Attend-  and cheers from the audience.

                                                                                Intangible cultural heritages underscore

                                                                                        the wealth of cultural diversity


                                                                                An exhibition of intangible cultural herit-  Mizhi Town, Midu County, Dali Prefec-
                                                                              age was held at Jiandao Square in Zhaotong   ture, kicked off early in the morning. As
                                                                              Ancient Town, showcasing provincial items   dawn broke, lantern opera singers, dancers,
                                                                              like paper god rubbing and mung bean cake   performers, and onlookers filled this town
                                                                              making, as well as prefectural heritage items   along the Ancient Tea-Horse Road in west-
                                                                              such as spun sugar making, Shushi silverware   ern Yunnan to the brim. Every street and
                                                                              smelting and forging, moon lute crafting, and   alleyway was adorned with lanterns, set-
                                                                              Dousha paper cutting. The event drew a large   ting a festive scene. A plethora of ongoing
                                                                              crowd, eager to observe and even participate   lantern-related activities, including lantern
                                                                              in these traditional practices.    shows, opera performances, and dragon and
                                                                                Zhizuo Village in Yongren County, Chux-  lion dances, heightened the celebratory at-
                                                                              iong City hosted a vibrant traditional costume   mosphere to its peak.
                                                                              festival. Revelers adorned in colorful attire   The Mizhi Lantern Festival Fair, also
                                                                              sang, danced, and enjoyed themselves. This   dubbed the “Oriental Lantern Carnival”, is a
                                                                              festival, a significant cultural event during   time-honored folk event with a history span-
                                                                              the Spring Festival season, boasts a history of   ning over 300 years. It stands as the largest
                                                                              over 1,350 years in Yongren County. Against   and most authentic lantern festival fair in
                                                                              the backdrop of lively music from the gourd   China. Eighteen lantern teams hailing from 18
                                                                              mouth organ, groups of girls, boys, and men   villages took part in the festivities, showcasing
                                                                              took the stage, spreading warmth and joy to   the talent of over 6,000 performers.
                                                                              all spectators in attendance.        During the Lantern Festival Fair, an
                                                                                The Central Cultural Square of Puer City   Intangible Cultural Heritage Bazaar was
                                                                              buzzed with excitement as the Popular Cul-  established on the ancient street in Mizhi
                                                                              tural Festival kicked off. The event featured   Town, showcasing 18 notable intangible
                                                                              a variety of activities including a cultural   cultural heritages from Midu County. These
                                                                              show, poetry recitations, a lantern riddle   included the unique Midu-style ferment-
                                                                              fair, a calligraphy and painting exhibition,   ed pork shaped like sliced trotters, Midu-
                                                                              a cultural and creative products exhibition,   style yellow bean starch sheets, traditional
                                                                              and an intangible cultural heritage exhi-  costumes of the Yi people, and the art of
                                                                              bition. The stalls at the intangible cultural   crafting paper lanterns. Skilled inheritors of
                                                                              heritage bazaar were particularly popular,   these traditions were present to demonstrate
                                                                              showcasing Puer’s unique products such as   and explain their crafts on-site. Visitors also
                                                                              the exquisite Wa people’s brocades, Zhe-  had the opportunity to sample local deli-
                                                                              nyuan black pottery, ethnic embroidery, and   cacies, including the Mizhi-style tofu feast
                                                                              silverware. This fusion of intangible cul-  and yuanxiao dumplings. Additionally, they
                                                                              tural heritage, folk culture, and traditional   could explore cultural and creative shops
                                                                              festivals created a one-of-a-kind celebration   or enjoy the Lantern Festival cultural and
                                                                              for the public during the Lantern Festival.  artistic gala, creating a delightful and unfor-
                                                                                The Lantern Festival celebrations in   gettable Lantern Festival experience.
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