Page 14 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (96)
P. 14

14         FOOD      |   好吃

                                 Jiangchuan-style salted Fish:

                 an ICH flavor for a family reunion dinner



                                                    Shortly after breakfast, smoke   “Now let’s present the dishes! It’s
              By Pu Meiling, Li Dan, and Xia Fengfei  from cooking fires began to waft out   time for the Spring Festival’s Eve din-
                   □ 浦美玲 李丹 夏凤斐 / 文               from every home in Shangying Vil-  ner!” As customary, the focal point of
                                                  lage, located in Xiongguan Township,   the table was designated for the salted
                                                  Jiangchuan District. Villagers Chen   fish dish.
                                                  Jianghuan and his sister had marinat-  For millennia, the residents of Ji-
              In the Chinese language, the charac-  ed several fresh fish, seasoning them   angchuan have thrived along the shores
            ter for “fish” shares the same pronun-  with chili, prickly ash, amomum tsao-  of Xingyun Lake. Their livelihood
            ciation as the character for “surplus”.   ko, star anise, and other spices. They   centered around fishing, leading to the   and culinary
            As a result, a fish dish is considered   placed chopsticks and a wooden board   cultivation and transmission of a pro-  heritage.
            essential for a traditional Spring Festi-  at the bottom of a pot, carefully ar-  found fishing culture and a diverse ar-  “When the
            val Eve dinner. In Jiangchuan District,   ranged the fish on top, covered them   ray of fish recipes. One such dish is the   salted fish is pre-
                                                                                                                 sented, we all experience
                                                                                 salted fish made from fresh catch from
                                                  with a layer of ginger and garlic slices,
            Yuxi City, the salted fish prepared us-  as well as prickly ash grains, and added   Xingyun Lake, which harks back to the   a sense of ceremony,” shared Chen
            ing local traditional methods is revered   just the right amount of water before   most primitive cooking techniques and   Junyu, a student who has been pursuing
            as the finest among all fish dishes and   setting the pot over the fire to simmer.  epitomizes the art of fish preparation.   studies outside his hometown for years.
            recognized as an intangible cultural    “The longer it simmers, the more   Remarkably, various species of fish   Even when far from home, he always
            heritage of Yunnan Province.          flavorful it becomes. And a touch of   from the lake can be used to create this   yearns for the taste of his mother's metic-
                                                  chili oil not only enhances its appear-  salted fish delicacy, renowned for its   ulously prepared salted fish.
                                                  ance but also elevates the taste to a new   depth of flavor, exquisite texture, long   “Cheers! Happy Spring Festival!”
                                                  level of juiciness,” remarked Jiang-  shelf life, and easy serving.  echoed throughout the gathering. As
               鱼是传统年夜饭必不可少的一道菜肴。                  huan. He further explained that despite   In December 2022, salted fish was   night fell, the festive spirit of the Spring
            在玉溪市江川区,最为亮眼的鱼,要数入选                   using a similar cooking method for the   added to the Fifth List of Representative   Festival grew even more palpable.
                                                  salted fish, each family in the village   Intangible Cultural Heritages of Yunnan
            云南省级非物质文化遗产的传统特色菜盐水                   produces a uniquely flavored dish due   Province, solidifying its status as a prom-
            鱼,因寓意吉庆有余,深受人们喜爱。                     to individual variations in preparation.  inent emblem of Jiangchuan’s fishing
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