Page 15 - 云南旅游文化时报(89)_2023-7
P. 15

                                                                                                                  VILLAGES       |   村寨

                                                                                                Girls are both beautiful   Make your way towards the
                                                                                                and hardw orking     mountain side, and you are likely
                                                                                                in Xiangda, and      to see a few bamboo huts casually
                                                                                      rains  always  come  in  their  time   scattered in the forest. The tourists,
                                                                                      in Longling, and the best rice is   in twos and threes, can be seen
                                                                                      produced in Zhefang and Mangshi...”   pausing for a rest. If you hear
                                                                                      This ballad is often heard in Xiangda   someone playing the flute or a Lisu
                                                                                      Town, Longling County.         musician adjusting his three-stringed
                                                                                        The Mengbengcao Mountain     instrument, you will know a singing
                                                                                      here is reputed as a mini version of   and dancing competition is ready to
                                                                                      Shangri-La in western Yunnan, and   start. In an open space by the stream,
                                                                                      Xiangda Town is also home to many   you will see villagers playing a game
                                                                                      hot springs. Recently, the Yintan   of top against each other, with an
                                                                                      Waterfall in this town has become   excited audience cheering for them.
                                                                                      known as a “natural oxygen bar”,   Lisu people learn to sing and
                                                                                      attracting both locals and tourists.  dance when they are still toddlers.
                                                                                        The Yintan Waterfall is located   Lisu girls can play melodious tunes
                                                                                      in a deep valley in the northeast of   with a leaf. Not just that, they are also
                                                                                      Xiaomidi Village, Xiangda Town.   expert at playing musical instruments,
                                                                                      In the eyes of the locals, it is just   singing and dancing, and playing the
                                                                                      like a pot of silver. And actually, it is   top. Once here, you can experience
                                                                                      bringing in income for villagers. In   the purest traditional Lisu culture and
                                                                                      the past, due to poor transportation,   the most unspoiled natural scenery.
           Xiaomidi Village: A Xanadu                                                 the beautiful Yintan Waterfall was   and folk culture, Xiaomidi Village
                                                                                                                       Relying on its natural resources
                                                                                      inaccessible to the outside world. It
                                                                                                                     has instilled vitality in the collective
                                                                                      was not until 2021 that the Xiaomidi
           tucked away in mountains                                                   village committee managed to raise   economy and developed rural tourism
                                                                                      funds to develop this scenic spot as an
                                                                                                                     integrating waterfall sightseeing,
                                                                                      effort to promote rural revitalization.
                                                                                                                     local delicacies, family-run lodging,
                              of Longling                                             ion-rich deep valley, you can feast   and Lisu culture. During holidays,
                                                                                        Walking in this negative oxygen
                                                                                                                     the village attract a large number of
                                                                                      your eyes on the verdant forest,   tourists, who bring in income for the
                 龙陵县象达镇小米地村:                                                          rolling mountains, and crystal clear   villagers and liven up in the village as
                                                                                      streams while listening to the birds
                                                                                                                     well. (Spring City Evening News)
          大山深处的世外桃源                                                                   chirping. When you stand below
                                                                                      it, you can watch the silvery white
                                                                                      waterfall jump off the cliff and throw
                                                                                      itself onto the boulders, splashing
        By staff correspondents                                         □ 本刊综合        droplets all over your body and filling
                                                                                      the air with a refreshing mist. You just
                                                                                      need to close your eyes and indulge
                   Xiangda Town is about 50 kilometers southwest of the               in an ethereal feeling that you are in a
                 seat of Longling County, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province.              real Xanudu.
                 Once a transportation hub in western Yunnan, this beautiful
                 mountainous county features crisscrossing rivers, unspoiled
                 customs, and abundant resources.

                    象达镇位于云南省保山市龙陵县西南部,距离县城约 50 公里,地

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