Page 11 - 云南旅游文化时报(89)_2023-7
P. 11

                                                                                                             TOUR ROUTES         |   游线

              来昆明 “绿孔雀”欢迎您                                    去大理   生态采摘、探寻南诏国历史

        Having a date with “green                      Picking fruits in orchard and exploring history of

        peacocks” in Kunming                           Nanzhao Kingdom in Dali

 By Li Jiaorong

           On July 16, both the departures hall and the arrivals hall of
        Kunming Changshui International Airport were bustling with   You can tie-dye a piece of cloth, visit the night market in the Sanyue Street, experience idyllic pleasure in Xizhou
        passengers. A large number of tourist groups, mostly of parents   Town, and just go somewhere breezy. All these things are attracting tourists to Dali from afar. This summer, the Dali
        and their children, just arrived in Kunming, the starting point of   Culture and Tourism Bureau has taken a series of steps to benefit tourists. For example, admission concessions are
        their journey in colorful Yunnan. In the S1 satellite hall, which   offered for different scenic spots in different time periods; similar concessions are offered for travel agency-organized
        is going into use soon, the green peacock-themed flower beds   official tours; preferential prices are offered for products on travel agency-selected routes; and tourists opting for one-
        immediately captured the tourists’ attention. Not just that, the   stop tourism service can enjoy more benefits.
        newly decorated terminal building also promised efficiency   Besides, Dali also launched 18 selected tour routes, covering “red” tourism, fruit picking and farming fun, traditional
        and convenience for passengers.                dwellings of the Bai people, history of the Nanzhao Kingdom, and so on.

                 去楚雄  骑“恐龙”、泡温泉、打水仗                          去西双版纳  尝热带水果、品悠悠茶香                            去德宏 寻菲氏叶猴、到稻田捉鱼

           Going to Chuxiong for                       Savoring tropical fruits                      Searching for Phayre’s leaf

           “dinosaurs”, hot spring                     and sampling pu’er tea in                     monkeys and catching fish

           spa, water fun, and more                    Xishuangbanna                                 in rice paddies in Dehong

             Once in Chuxiong, your kids will be able to learn   This summer, Xishuangbanna has launched a number of tour   Searching for Phayre’s leaf monkeys, hunting for treasures
           knowledge in entertaining ways. You won’t regret your choice.  routes themed on ethnic culture, “red” memories, border scenery,   in border Dai villages, and tracing the origin of the cucurbit
             From July 15 to August 20, the Third Jurassic Summer   and tea culture so that tourists can have a wide range of choices.  flute… This summer, Dehong has launched 17 self-driving
           Carnival will be held in the Lufeng Dinosaur Valley. Your kids   You can take a stroll in the millennium-old Dai village   tour routes for you to explore its enchanting natural scenery,
           will be able to watch the “dinosaur” show, ride a “dinosaur”,   of Mandiu in Gasha Town, attend a lively Buddha worshiping   splendid ethnic customs, and profound history and culture.
           bathe in a hot spring, and join in a water fight. They can   ceremony, and experience the real life of Dai people. Or you can   From August 8 to 10, the China (Lianghe) Cucurbit Flute
           also sing and dance, take all sorts of rides, and sample the   come to the downtown area of Jinghong City and pay a visit to   Cultural Tourism Festival will be resumed after having been
           delicacies. Or, if they like, they can spend a night in the   the Manting Royal Garden, which also has a history of more than   suspended for three years. The event will include the opening
           dinosaur fossils excavation site pavilion and try their hand at   1,000 years and is teeming with the Dai tusi (chieftain) culture and   ceremony, a cucurbit flute show, a cucurbit flute culture-
           restoring some dinosaur fossils with professional tools.  local customs. If you are a tea lover, you must go to the Menghai   related industrial and economic development summit forum, a
             Chuxiong also offers unique and authentic ethnic intangible   Tea Factory for a cup of Daiyi Pu’er tea, and you don’t want   stringed and woodwind instrument concert, an ethnic bonfire
           cultural heritage, covering production techniques, rituals and   miss the Nannuo Mountain, Hekai Ancient Tea Plantation, and   party, and a tea ceremony contest. Other activities to be held
           customs, ethnic festivals, songs and dances, costumes and   Laobanzhang Ancient Tea Plantation.  during the event include a local food tournament, a Douyin
           delicacies. During the annual Yi People’s Torch Festival, you   This year, in order to enrich the cultural and tourist activities,   (Tiktok) and Little Red Book short video contest, a rice paddies
           will see locals lighting up torches and parading from villages   Xishuangbanna has specially launched five themed tours, namely   fish catching contest, a cucurbit flute-themed study tour, a
           to towns, from mountains to intermontane plains. They   graduation tour, tropical fruits tour, ethnic customs tour, rainforest   cucurbit flute-themed cultural and creative products fair, a
           will also celebrate the festival by singing left-foot tunes and   study tour, and home seekers’ tour. The concessions from these   trade fair organized by Lianghe County, and the event’s closing
           dancing the left-foot dance around big bonfires.  tours will be valid from mid-July to late August.  ceremony and award ceremony. (Spring City Evening News)
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