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                                  A wild mushroom-themed exhibition


           In August 2022, an exhibition entitled   Li Rui have also gone deep into the realm of   earth and their living environments, we will be
        “The Language of Mushrooms: The Inter-  fungi and created an incessant flow of works   able to expand the boundaries of art and en-
        species Internet” was opened to the public   full of life energy.          vision a cultural and biological revolution
        at the Contemporary Gallery Kunming     The exhibition fully revealed the profound   triggered by fungi,” she said.
        (CGK). Thirty-four (or teams of) mycol-  connection between fungi and other life forms
        ogists, natural history painters, sculptors,   as well as the nature itself. In his book The
        photographers, and writers from China,   Political Life of Plants, Zheng Bo explored the
        Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, Can-  collaborative relationship between mycorrhizal
        ada, Australia and other countries contrib-  fungi and forest plants. Yan Xiaojing created
        uted to this comprehensive and interdisci-  a series of sculptures collectively entitled The
        plinary mushroom-themed exhibition.   Ganoderma Lucidum Girl, bringing the life cy-
           Yunnan is known as a kingdom of wild   cle of ganoderma lucidum into her nature-based
        mushrooms. Every summer, wild mushrooms   artistic works. Long Pan demonstrates the resil-
        are frequently served on the tables of Yunnan   ience of nature using hyphae that pass through
        people. Zang Mu, a famous mycologist, was   the eye of a needle. Cheng Xinhao’s Mushroom
        the first to comprehensively research into   Banquet transformed the life cycle suggested by
        higher fungi in southwest China. Follow-  fungi into a set of artistic fables. Photographers
        ing Zang’s example, Yang Zhuliang and his   from other countries also contributed their pho-
        team expanded the study of fungal diversity.   tographic works in collaboration with mush-
        They left a large number of field notes and   rooms and nature.
        world-leading fungal research results. Sup-  According to the exhibition curator Ye Ying,
        plementing the mycological research, nat-  while connecting people with nature, fungi
        ural history painters such as Zeng Xiaolian   are also challenging human understanding of
        and Yang Jiankun have produced vivid and   non-human intelligence. “By pondering the
        wonderful mushroom paintings. Yunnan’s   interspecies connection and influence from a
        local writers and artists such as Yu Jian, Tang   collaborative perspective, and uniting different
        Zhigang, Zeng Xiaofeng, Zi Bai, Li Ji, and   disciplines to deeply understand the species on

                                             All About Mushrooms


                                                All About Mushrooms, authored by Liu   charm. Thanks to the quick circulation of infor-
                                              Kailin, was recently launched in Yunnan. The   mation in the digital age and the highly efficient
                                              book is themed “how a Yunnan local eats wild   and convenient e-commerce logistics, the Yun-
                                              mushrooms”. It not only introduces the wild   nan wild mushroom industry is exerting an im-
                                              mushroom species in Yunnan and the world as   pact on the whole country and even the world.
                                              well as the common methods of cooking wild   The author hopes that this book will introduce
                                              mushrooms, but also intriguingly relates the   more wild mushroom lovers to Yunnan’s moun-
                                              author’s personal experience of searching for   tain delicacies and unique lifestyle.
                                              mushrooms, bringing readers into the wonderful   At the book launch, wild mushroom lovers
                                              world of wild mushrooms.             from home and abroad showered the author
                                                As a Yunnan native and wild mushroom con-  with interesting questions and shared their own
                                              noisseur, Liu is well acquainted with Yunnan’s   experiences with wild mushrooms. James,
                                              wild mushrooms. He has been committed to the   an American reader, said, “I love eating wild
                                              study of wild mushroom consumption history   mushrooms. In the United States, few people
                                              and culture in China and the world.  have heard of this delicacy, and we don’t have
                                                According to Liu, every edible wild mush-  so many species. Yunnan’s rich biodiversity is a
                                              room species in Yunnan has its unique value and   gift from nature.”
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