Page 7 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (91)
P. 7

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          Wild mushrooms, a source of income exclusively

          for Yunnan people


           From the mountains to the table, Yunnan’s   the wild mushroom market and boost the growth   wild mushroom produc-
        wild mushrooms need to go through a compli-  of the wild mushroom industry chain. According   ers in terms of both va-
        cated process of gathering, purchasing, selling,   to reports, the Yunnan wild mushroom industry   rieties and output. There
        transporting, and delivering. Inconspicuous as   provides six million temporary jobs and 120,000 to   are more than 2,500 known edible wild mushroom
        they look, wild mushrooms can bring in money   200,000 permanent jobs, and there are about 1,000   species in the world, and Yunnan has 900 of them,
        for hundreds of thousands of people. The wild   edible mushroom companies in the province.  accounting for about 36 percent of the global total
        mushroom industry is worth more than ten bil-  Nowadays, searching for wild mushrooms in the   and 90 percent of the national total. Moreover,
        lion yuan, but it seems to be a lucrative industry   mountains has become part of tourism experience.   wild mushrooms are widely distributed in the
        exclusively for Yunnan people.          “Yunnan is of complex terrains, and different wild   province’s 129 counties.
           The wild mushroom industry chain starts with   mushrooms grow in different places. There are of-
        gathering. Wild mushrooms must be gathered   ten hiking enthusiasts inquiring if travel agencies
        before they can bring in money for Yunnan’s farm-  offer mushroom search tours,” said Xiao Rong, a
        ers. When the rainy season comes, people will put   part-time tour guide. When it is mushroom season,
        on raincoats, pick up bamboo baskets, and head to   her institution will organize mushroom search
        the dense forest with a machete in hand to search   tours, and she will lead tourists to experience the
        for high-quality edible wild mushrooms. Longrong   whole process from searching for wild mushrooms
        Jiangcai is a farmer living in Yuejin Village,   to cooking and eating them.
        Shangri-La City, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous   In February 2022, Yunnan issued its 14  Five-
        Prefecture of northwest Yunnan Province. When it   Year Plan for Developing the Edible Mushroom
        is matsutake mushroom season, he can gather one   Industry and the Long-Range Objectives through
        kilo of matsutake mushrooms every day, which   the Year 2035. According to the “Plan”, the prov-
        brings in nearly 20,000 yuan for him.   ince expects to increase its total output of edible
           “It’s mushroom season again. Let’s go to Yun-  mushrooms to 1.8 million tons by 2025, with an
        nan!” When wild mushrooms become a hot topic   average annual growth rate of 10 percent or more,
        on social networks, tourism also surges in the   a total output value of 50 billion yuan and a com-
        province. The rise of social media has made Yun-  prehensive output value of more than 120 billion
        nan’s wild mushrooms popular across the country.   yuan.
        The Yunnan tourism industry has helped to expand   Yunnan Province is one of the world’s largest
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