Page 2 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (91)
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02       TOP NEWS       |   要闻

                      Jingmai Mountain ancient tea forests

                                         listed as World Heritage



        China Daily                                                                                                                    □ 中国日报

                 The Cultural Landscape of Old Tea Forests on the Jingmai Mountain in Pu’er,   ents to the trees, thus continuously producing high-quality organic tea.
              southwest China’s Yunnan Province, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural   “Our place still keeps a complete ecosystem integrating mountain, water, forests,
              Heritage list on September 19, bringing the total number of the China’s UNESCO   tea trees, many other plants and various species of animals and insects. It’s precious
              World Heritage sites to 57.                                     given the fact that many parts of the world are faced with serious ecological loss-
                 The nomination was approved during the 45  session of UNESCO’s World Her-  es, ” said Su Guowen, a local villager of the Blang ethnic group.
              itage Committee underway in Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia, which aims to update   The 77-year-old told CGTN that they have never applied any fertilizers and pesti-
              the United Nations’ prestigious heritage list.                  cides to the old tea plantations.
                 The heritage site consists of five old tea forests covering an area of 1,180 hectares, nine   Tea has played a vital role in local people’s life throughout the centuries. Accord-
              ancient villages with a population of about 5,000 and three protective partition forests.  ing to Su, a highly-respected member of the Blang community, tea leaves were initial-
                 Some 1,000 years ago, the ancestors of the Blang ethnic group migrated to the   ly used for its medicinal properties. He said that their ancestors encountered serious
              Jingmai Mountain, where they began domesticating wild tea trees.   plagues during migration and it’s the tea leaves that had saved them from danger. And
                 The landscape well integrates vast tea plantations, ancient villages and diverse eth-  then, the leaves gradually became a food source.
              nic cultures. It’s considered a typical example of harmonious coexistence between hu-  “Later on, tea was regarded as a special gift and offered as tribute to honor our an-
              mans and nature, which also shows local people's wisdom to know, respect and make   cestors, ” said Su. “Over time, we began using it to trade for farming tools and basic
              use of nature.                                                  necessities, such as clothing, footwear, sugar and salt. This is why we say everything
                 The tea trees have been cultivated in dense natural forests. The planting method   we possess is thanks to tea.”
              has helped prevent pests and diseases, promote pollination and provide natural nutri-  Today, tea is a popular product that generates substantial income for local people.

          主管、主办:云南日报报业集团                                                    视觉设计 : 孙勇刚
          Supervisor and publisher: Yunnan Daily Press Group                Designer: Sun Yonggang
          国内统一刊号:CN53—0059    Issue serial number: CN53 - 0059

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          统筹:祖红兵    Coordinator: Zu Hongbing                                Address: No. 516, Mid-Rixin Road, Xishan District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, P.R. China

          记者 : 王靖中  刘子语  姚程程  王世学
          Journalists: Wang Jingzhong, Liu Ziyu, Yao Chengcheng, Wang Shixue
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