Page 3 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (91)
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                     China's excellent traditional cutlure has many important elements that jointly shaped Chinese civilization.

                       ——Excerpt from Chinese President Xi Jinping's speech at a meeting on cultural inheritance and development on June 2, 2023

                                                                   ——摘自中国国家主席习近平 2023 年 6 月 2 日在文化传承发展座谈会上的重要讲话

          Yi embroidery by

          hand gives off sense

          of warmth

        By Huang Yixian                                                                                                               □ 黄议娴 / 文

           I still remember a pair of embroidered   dresses for coming-of-age, and hand-sewn   by heart and doing impromptu creations by   embroideries can even carry the memory of
        shoes I loved to wear when I was a little   costumes for wedding, all the creations   their experience only. Then, she showed me   times and ethnicity.
        child. Its vividly embroidered flowers in the   are unique and “highly customized”.  a pair of shoes that she had just finished em-  Except for special festivals, few people
        Yi style impressed me a lot, so it became   Last summer, I visited the Weishan Yi and   broidering. Suddenly, my childhood memo-  would wear hand-embroidered clothes in
        one of my preferred outfits for every outing.   Hui autonomous county in west Yunnan’s Dali   ries were awakened.  daily life. Will the Yi handicraft disappear?
        However, with my physical growth and later   Bai autonomous prefecture, and my visit co-  The Yi embroidering steps are refined,   Based on my observation, I would say
        changes in living place, I lost track of them,   incided with the Torch Festival — dubbed as   but each stitch must be precise. In the era   NO. I learned the Costume Competition
        and the hand-embroidered shoes gradually   the eastern carnival popular among Yi folks.   when the machine-made clothing has al-  Festival has been going on for thousands
        faded out of my daily life and memory.  The festivities enlivened the usually small   ready entered our lives, there are still so   of years in central Yunnan’s Chuxiong Yi
           One day while I was in college, I met a   and quiet county town. Besides tourists,   many artisans who insist on taking years to   autonomous prefecture. On that day, local
        girl from the Shilin Yi autonomous county,   there are lots of locals dressed in festival   make hand-embroidered clothes. I believe   Yi folks, including little girls and grannies,
        central Yunnan’s Kunming city. She was   costumes on the street, then I found that the   the colors Yi people wear and the fiery pas-  would wear colorful costumes to show the
        wearing traditional Yi costume for fresh-  traditional dresses of the Yi people in Weis-  sion in them have been well passed down on   exquisite manual skills and the beauty of
        men registration. Like a delicate work of   han have their own uniqueness: With silver   this vibrant land of Yunnan, and embroidery   traditional clothing. The Yi embroidery and
        art, her outfit featured the colors as bright   ornaments, they feature dazzling colors of   has become a part of their daily life.  its derivatives have debuted at international
        as those of a rainbow, and its patterns of   red and green paired in harmony. Mother na-  Various patterns are embroidered on   fashion events, and I even noticed a mother
        octagonal flowers, flames and ram horns   ture has always been a source of wisdom and   Yi costumes, including the sun, the moon,   would carry her baby with a Yi back wrap
        evoked in me a aesthetic sense of symme-  aspiration for the Yi people.  stars, mountains, rivers, lakes, plants and   embroidered in azalea patterns, watching
        try. She told me it was hand-embroidered   Later, I walked into a costume store. The   animals. The patterns represent their living   seagulls by the Green Lake in Kunming...
        by her mother, because for the Yi folks,   lady owner told me that it may take several   experiences for thousands of years and the   Now, handmade Yi embroidery is getting
        needle works from mother will accompany   years to embroider a Yi dress by hand, and   philosophy of coexisting with nature, and   increasingly visible for it comes from our
        their children throughout the growth: em-  the craftsperson can create the patterns with-  they also reflect the beliefs and expectations   beauty-seeking life. After all, beauty and
        broidered carriers for babyhood, special   out a ruler or pencil, learning the designs   of the embroiderers. The delicate familial   love are eternal topics.
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