Page 9 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (93)
P. 9

                                                                                           2023 中国国际旅游交易会

                                                                  Yunnan’s many-splendored life

                                                                   is an eco-friendly life
            In his speech at the
        opening ceremony of CITM                                     “有一种叫云南的生活”是一种生态绿色的生活
        2023, Wang Ning, secretary                                      Yunnan’s beauty is unique and una-  a northward journey and returned to the south
        of the CPC Yunnan Provin-                                     dorned. Its intoxicating scenery includes   afterwards, and the black-headed gulls that
        cial Committee, sincerely                                     the tropical rainforests in Xishuangban-  travel over thousands of miles to Kunming for
        invited domestic and over-                                   na, the lofty Cangshan Mountain and the   wintering every year. With lucid waters, lush
        seas tourists to join hands                                 vast Erhai Lake in Dali, the otherworldly   mountains, blue skies, white clouds and fresh
        with Yunnan in developing                                 Lugu Lake in Lijiang... Here, evidences of the   air, the province has become a popular destina-
                                                                  harmonious coexistence of man and nature   tion for outdoor sports lovers and is hosting a
        the culture and tourism in-                               abound, such as the Asian elephants that made   growing number of international events.
        dustry, sharing “Yunnan: A
        Many-splendored Life”, and
        contributing to the develop-                              Yunnan’s many-splendored life
        ment and prosperity of the
        global tourism industry.                                  is a diverse, colorful life
            In Yunnan, a paradise                                 “有一种叫云南的生活”是一种多姿多彩的生活
        for tourists, tourism has                                     Yunnan has witnessed the birth of life and   Chinese revolutionary culture. Yunnan boasts
        long become a pillar indus-                                  the evolution of mankind: The paleontolog-  three World Natural Heritage sites represented by
        try and a people-benefiting                                   ical fossils of the early Cambrian period in   the “three parallel rivers”, three World Cultural
        industry. From January to                                     Chengjiang can be traced back to 500 mil-  Heritage sites represented by the old tea forests of
        October 2023, the province                                    lion years ago; the dinosaur fossils of the   Jingmai Mountain, eight national historical and
        received 917 million tour-                                    Jurassic period in Lufeng date back to 190   cultural cities represented by the seat of Jianshui
                                                                     million years ago; and the skull fossil of Yuan-
        ists and achieved a tourism                                mou Homo erectus provides a glimpse of human   County, and 777 Chinese traditional villages repre-
                                                                                                           sented by Nuodeng. Here, people can enjoy foods
        revenue of 1.13 trillion yuan                             life 1.7 million years ago. Yunnan has fostered   of all seasons every day, and tourists cannot afford
        (US$ 15.89 million), up 30                                splendid cultures, such as the prehistoric culture,   to miss the flowers, tea, coffee, fruit, and wild
        percent and 20 percent,                                   Dian culture, Nanzhao culture, Dali culture, and   mushrooms that Yunnan has to offer.
        respectively, over the same
        period in 2019. This year,
        Yunnan launched an initi-                                 Yunnan’s many-splendored life
        ative themed on “Yunnan:                                  is a happy, harmonious life
        A Many-splendored Life”,
        once again leading the na-                                   “有一种叫云南的生活”是一种和谐幸福的生活
        tional tourism industry.                                        Yunnan is an epitome of the big family   individual left behind. Here, the ethnic groups,
                                                                      of the Chinese nation. The province has a   living in harmony, have passed down folk fes-
                                                                      total population of 47 million, one third of   tivals such as the Water Splashing Festival, the
                                                                      which are 25 ethnic minorities who have   Torch Festival and the Costume Festival, as
                                                                     lived here for generations. After eight years   well as intangible culture heritages such as the

            在 2023 旅交会开幕式致                                          of continuous efforts, the province’s 9.33   Yi embroidery, the Bai tie-dyeing skills, and
                                                                  million poor people have shaken off poverty,   the Dai peacock dance, all of which are treas-
                                                                  with not a single ethnic group and not a single   ures of Chinese culture.
        海内外朋友一起合作开发文                                              Yunnan’s many-splendored life
        旅产业,共建共享“有一种                                              is an open, inclusive life
            云南被誉为“旅游天堂”。                                              Yunnan is an important link of the Belt and   China-Laos Railway was opened to traffic, ena-
        今年 1 至 10 月,云南接待游                                            Road in southwest China. More than 2,000   bling passengers to travel between Kunming and
                                                                      years ago, the Southern Silk Road and the   Vientiane within a single day and turning Yunnan
        客 9.17 亿人次、旅游总收入
                                                                      ancient Tea Horse Road linked Yunnan with   into the most convenient land passage connecting
        1.13 万 亿 元, 分 别 是 2019
                                                                      other places of China as well as some other   China with South and Southeast Asia. Every year,
        年 同 期 的 1.3 倍 和 1.2 倍。                                        countries. In the 20th century, the Yunnan-Vi-  tourists and artists from both at home and abroad
        旅游已成为云南名副其实的                                                 etnam Railway and the Yunnan-Myanmar   flock to Yunnan to live, study and search for inspi-
        支柱产业和惠民产业。今年                                                Highway played a significant role in Yunnan   ration, and many of them have chosen to become
                                                                  and China’s development and resistance against   permanent “Yunnan people”.
                                                                  foreign aggression. In recent years, major events   At the end of the day, “Yunnan: A Many-splen-
        云南的生活”,引领了旅游                                              such as the COP15, the China-South Asia Expo,   dored Life” also belongs to the general public in
        新时尚。                                                      the Tengchong Scientists’ Forum, and the “Global   China and the world. Through the many-splen-
                                                                  Chinese Merchants Gathering in Yunnan” pro-  dored life, a beautiful, civilized, colorful, open and
                                                                  gram have brought Yunnan closer to neighboring   happy China is presented before the tourists from
                                                                  countries and the world. In December 2021, the   both at home and abroad.
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