Page 9 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (96)
P. 9

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                                                                                      Quest for “Chinese dragons” on
                                                                                                    museum tours


                                                                               In recent years, it has become increasing-  staff member, remarked, “From the Neolithic
                                                                            ly popular in Yunnan to visit museums dur-  Age to the Bronze Age, dragons gradually
                                                                            ing the Spring Festival holiday. During the   made their way into the history of Yunnan
                                                                            Spring Festival holiday of 2024, the Year of   alongside the evolution of people’s live-
                                                                            the Dragon, the Yunnan Provincial Museum   lihoods and advancements in production.
                                                                            was almost packed to capacity. A constant   Serving as a common totem of the Chinese
                                                                            flow of tourists visited the museum to ex-  nation, dragons can be found depicted in var-
                                                                            plore the theme of “Chinese dragons”.  ious artifacts, such as the Yi people’s moon
                                                                               On February 15, 2024, the sixth day of   lute and the Dai people’s gilt headdresses.
                                                                            the first month of the Year of the Dragon,   The adept integration of dragon symbolism
                                                                            Duan Yulu traveled from Chengdu, Sichuan   in these artifacts showcases the distinctive
                                                                            to the Yunnan Provincial Museum with her   interpretation of dragon culture by the di-
                                                                            parents and brother. “Sister, take a look at   verse ethnic groups in Yunnan.”
                                                                            the assorted bells of the king of the Dian   Jia Yunpeng, a tourist from Xi’an, praised,
                                                                            Kingdom. Notice how the bell surfaces are   “The dragon motifs at the Yunnan Provincial
                                                                            adorned with symmetrical double dragon   Museum are infused with ethnic charm and
                                                                            patterns. They are so elegant and majestic.   truly captivating.” Visitors to the museum
                                                                            Here we have a brick from the Eastern Han   engaged in a quest for “dragons” within the
                                                                            Dynasty, a blue and white porcelain dish   exhibition halls, immersing themselves in
                                                                              from the Ming Dynasty, and a green and   the exploration of cultural artifacts featuring
                                                                               purple plate dish from the Qing Dy-  dragon elements.
                                                                                nasty—all featuring intricate dragon   “Building upon the dragon culture of the
                                                                                 motifs,” Yulu’s brother, a history un-  Central Plains, Yunnan’s dragon culture has
                                                                                 dergraduate student at Wuhan Univer-  assimilated its distinctive ethnic traditions,
                                                                                 sity, elaborated on the dragon-themed   creating a diverse cultural tapestry weaving
                                                                                 artifacts to Yulu.             together historical roots and contemporary
                                                                                   In 2024, according to the Chinese   nuances. This rich tapestry vividly showcas-
                                                                                lunar calendar, it is the Year of the   es the dynamism and allure of China’s en-
                                                                               Dragon. Dragons have a revered and   during traditional culture through its ongoing
                                                                             enduring significance in Chinese culture,   and evolving development,” Liu said.
                                                                            symbolizing the essence of the Chinese na-  “It is truly fulfilling to celebrate the
                                                                            tion. Dragon symbolism is pervasive across   Spring Festival holiday at the museum
                                                                            all regions of China, with ethnic groups in   alongside visitors,” remarked a commentator
                                                                            Yunnan showcasing their reverence for drag-  from the Yunnan Provincial Museum. His
                                                                            ons through unique customs, dragon-related   colleagues also expressed their joy in offer-
                                                                            festivals, and celebrations.        ing interpretation services to tourists during
                                                                               Liu Siqi, a Yunnan Provincial Museum   the Spring Festival in the Year of the Dragon.
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