Page 4 - 云南旅游文化时报(88)_2023-6
P. 4

04          VISION     |   视觉

                                                                   At about 7:00 AM, June 13, a sea of golden clouds appeared over the mountains opposite
                                                                the county seat of Yongshan, Zhaotong. As the wind blew, the clouds gathered and dispersed
                                                                like burning flames, casting golden lights over the blue waters of the Jinsha River. The Yongshan
                                                                county seat was also dyed gorgeously by the clouds, attracting a large number of people to admire
                                                                the beautiful sight and take photos. (Spring City Evening News)
                                                                   6 月 13 日 7 时许,在昭通市永善县城对面的群山上空,出现了大片金黄色的云霞。云霞随风
                                                                舒卷飘动,宛若一团熊熊燃烧的火焰,洒落在碧波万顷的金沙江畔 , 将永善县城映照得五彩斑斓。

            On June 20, the 2023 International Day
        of Yoga, the China-South Asia Culture and
        Art Week, and the China-India Cultural and
        People-to-People Exchange Forum were
        held in Kunming. Themed activities include the
        International Day of Yoga Opening Ceremony,
        the China-India Cultural and People-to-People
        Exchange Forum, the China-South Asia Art
        Show, and the South Asia Culinary Culture
        Salon. The audience was able to watch 100
        Tai Chi practicers and 100 yoga practicers
        performing  together  and  attend  a  yoga
        master’s open class as well. (Yunnan Daily)
            6 月 20 日,“2023 年国际瑜伽日暨中国
        印人文交流论坛、中国 - 南亚艺术展演、南
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