Page 8 - 云南旅游文化时报(88)_2023-6
P. 8

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                                    Amplifying advantages through tourism innovations

                                                                  创新玩法 放大优势

           “Why do you choose to travel Yunnan?”       of them were watching a movie in the open air under the stars.  In recent years, by relying on Yunnan stories and fully
           Your answers may vary from delicacies to natural   In early spring, more than 10,000 athletes joined in a   tapping the cultural resources in “red” scenic spots and
        beauty, small grain coffee, diverse ethnic cultures, and a   marathon in the blooming canoa fields in Luoping, Qujing,   attractions, Yunnan Leyoushan Cultural Communication
        slow-paced life. Whatever your answer, it is the correct   and the circuit ran through a number of classic attractions   Company has made Yunnan known to more tourists inside
        answer. Tourists to Yunnan are faced with an increasingly   such as the Jinji Peak Forest and the Jiulong Culture and   and outside the province in the form of LARP scenarios.
        wide range of choices.                         Health Theme Park. This circuit, integrating beautiful   “So far, we’ve launched two cultural tourism projects in
           The Xiaoaozi Coffee Manor in Nandaohe Village,   ecosystems and modern urban facilities, brought a different   Mengzi’s Bisezhai scenic spot, namely Action Autumn
        Nanping Town, Simao District, Pu’er City is the setting   experience for marathoners from all over the country.  Harvest and Love on the Tropic of Cancer. The two scripts
        for the movie Coffee or Tea. In addition to a 300-mu   In recent years, Yunnan has developed a series of   are intended to bring back the undeletable memories
        ecological coffee production base, this Coffee Manor also   innovative tourism products, forms of business, and   connected with the small railway station during the war
        offers a coffee brewing experience area, so it is actually   models to promote the integration of tourism and multiple   years,” Shi said. Through well-designed scenes, props,
        a comprehensive experience-oriented manor integrating   industries. New forms of tourism such as health-oriented   and clues, as well as character interactions, performances,
        study tours, sightseeing, and coffee culture. Activities such   holidaymaking, outdoor sports, study tours and self-driving   puzzles, and more, the scripts can enhance the tourists’
        as coffee roasting and brewing enable tourists to enjoy   camping are emerging like mushrooms. The diverse tourism   “sense of being there and then”. On some occasions, the
        the taste of mountains and forests, greatly enhancing their   experiences have made Yunnan a pilot area in meeting   scripts also involve intangible cultural heritage items such
        tourism experience.                            different tourist needs with a full range of products.  as tie-dye, paper gods, and ebru painting so hat tourists
           On May 23, the 18th and 19th China Huabiao Film   As a new form of cultural tourism, live-action role-  can experience Yunnan’s intangible cultural heritage
        Awards were held. The movie Coffee or Tea won the 19th   play (LARP) tours have become a new trend in the cultural   handicrafts.
        China Huabiao Film Award for Outstanding Rural Film.   tourism industry in recent years. “Immersive tours provide   “The integrated development of immersive LARP
           In a campsite on the outskirts of Kunming, out reporters   tourists with a more in-depth touring experience and enable   tours and cultural tourism is at an early stage in Yunnan.
        saw tourists fishing at the waterside, trying bungee jumping,   them to remember more of the local history and culture,”   Although we are still making explorations, many scenic
        or playing frisbee with friends. When night fell, tourists   said Shi Yuchen, cultural director of Yunnan Leyoushan   spots are ready to cooperate. We’ll stay true to our founding
        barbecued around the fireplace, drinking and laughing. Some   Cultural Communication Company.  mission and continue to create more good scripts,” Shi said.
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