Page 5 - 云南旅游文化时报(88)_2023-6
P. 5

                                                                                                                     EVENTS      |   动态

        JD.COM opens Myanmar pavilion in Dali                                                         Qujing city: Blueberry

        京东缅甸国家馆在大理开馆                                                                                  brings benefits
           The Chinese e-commerce                                                                     云南曲靖:蓝莓飘香带动增收
        giant JD.COM opened on
        June 25 a Myanmar National
        Pavilion in west Yunnan’s Dali
        Bai autonomous prefecture,
        allowing Chinese consumers to
        access authentic Myanmar goods
           Authorized by the Embassy
        of Myanmar in China, the
        pavilion is the first of its kind
        by JD.COM in Yunnan province.   sells more than 1,000 kinds of   dollars, with bilateral imports
        Using the JD.COM advantages   Myanmar goods, covering sea   adding up to 5.446 billion
        in technology, online marketing,   food, wine, jewelry, produce and   US dollars. Myanmar is also
        logistics and supply chain, the   others.               Yunnan’s largest trading partner,
        shopping pavilion will boost   Mya n m a r o f fi c i a l  da t a   and bilateral trade reached   In thousands acres of blueberries in Malong district,
        sales of Myanmar cultural and   showed that in the fiscal year   49.44 billion RMB in 2022, up   east Yunnan’s Qujing city, over 700 farmers are busy
        tourist products.           of 2022-2023, China-Myanmar   6%.( Yunnan Gateway·Photo           picking the ripe blueberries. Inside the refrigeration
           At present, the pavilion   exports reached 3.833 billion US   by Yunnan Daily)             workshop, they are engaged in sorting, packaging, and
                                                                                                         In recent years, Wangyue town in Malong district
                                                                                                      has introduced in over 2,300 Chinese acres of
        Baya weavers build 700 nests in Menglian                                                      blueberry, with its products being sold to big cities
                                                                                                      across China. And Its annual output value exceeds 100
        黄胸织布鸟在云南孟连筑巢数量超 700 窝                                                                         million yuan.(Yunnan Daily)

                                                                                                      China-South Asia art

                                                                                                      show staged in Kunming

                                                                                                      中国 - 南亚艺术展在昆明举行

           Since the breeding season   far, these “bird architects” have   nest builder, the Baya weaver is best
        began in April, Baya weavers   created more than 700 nests. It   known for their elaborately woven
        has been building nests in the   is quite impressive to see the   nests with gourd-like chambers
        trees in Menglian Dai, Lahu   bird couples were busy flying in   and narrow tubular  entrances.
        and Wa autonomous county in   and out of their artworks.  ( Menglian Media Center;
        southwest Yunnan’s Pu’er. So   Hailed as a most beautiful   Photo by Yunnan Daily)

        Yunnan begins wild mushroom season                                                               The China-South Asia Art Exhibition was held in
                                                                                                      central Yunnan’s Kunming city on June 19, featuring
                                                                                                      Chinese tea art, taichi and ethnic music, as well as
           "In the past few days, the trading                                                         Indian yoga, classical music and dance.
        volume of wild mushrooms at night                                                                Staged for the 9th International Yoga Day two days
        has reached over 10 tons," said                                                               later, the international art show is part of this year’s
        Cheng Aili, the general manager                                                               China (Kunming) South Asia Culture and Art Week
        of Yunnan Mushuihua Mushrooms                                                                 and the China-India People-to-People Exchange Event
        Trading Center.                                                                               that will last for three days.
           Cheng Aili mentioned that                                                                     The show began with a Chinese tea-art performance
        after a rain on the afternoon of                                                              called "still water runs deep". In soothing music, the
        June 2nd, wild mushrooms have                                                                 tea artists took the audience back to the prosperous
        become abundant. Approximately                                                                Tang Dynasty (618-907), allowing them to see the tea-
        20 tons are available daily, with                                                             making process in ancient China.
        people engaging in transactions,                                                                 The expressive beats of tabla drums made the
        even at three or four in the                                                                  audience enjoy the classical Indian music, and the
        morning. Owners of restaurants                                                                show was highlighted by a dance that combines the
        and major agricultural markets all   there is also a significant number   and mobile phones in their live   lively Indian Manipuri moves with the elegant Yunnan
        come for purchases.         of live streamers selling Yunnan's   broadcasts.(Spring City Evening   Dai dancing steps.( Yunnan Gateway;Photo by
           As mushroom vendors increase,   wild mushrooms using tripods   News;Photo by Yunnan Daily)  Yunnan Daily)
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