Page 2 - 云南旅游文化时报(89)_2023-7
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02       TOP NEWS       |   要闻

                Greens Lake Culture and Tourism Festival

                                                                kicks off

                                 2023 翠湖文化旅游节启动

        By Long Zhou                                                                                                                 □ 龙舟 文 / 图

                  On July 14, the 2023 Green Lake (Cuihu) Culture and Tourism Festival   featuring nine alleys and thirteen slopes in the vicinity of Green Lake, and
              kicked off. In order to promote the Green Lake culture, twelve themed activities   introduced culture and tourism experience brands such as the Wuhua Happy
              categorized into four sections are organized to showcase the profound history   Running Day, the Jacaranda Culture and Art Festival, the Ginkgo Art Festival,
              and culture of Wuhua District and enrich the summer experience of both locals   and courtyard theatrical performances. The district has organized regular public
              and tourists. The event has enabled participants to personally experience “a   cultural service activities such as the Wuhua Forum and the Wuhua Reading
              lifestyle called Yunnan” and the unique charm of Kunming.       Festival. To upgrade culture and tourism products as well as their carriers, the
                  During the festival, which is scheduled to last 45 days, Wuhua District will   district has also helped to cultivate cultural and creative intellectual property
              integrate traditional, classical, and trendy cultures to launch a series of cultural   brands based on Yunnan Military Academy, Southwest Associated University,
              activities such as artistic performances, aesthetic displays, night waterscapes and   and Yunnan University.
              life experience. The district will also join hands with Yongsheng County of Lijiang   On July 15, as part of the Green Lake Culture and Tourism Festival, the
              City and Qubei County of Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in   China Chuxiong Yi People’s Torch Festival promotion was held in Kunming.
              staging a series of lotus-themed cultural activities. Tourists will be able to feast   Through various forms such as ethnic songs and dances, costume performances,
              their eyes on the vast lotus blossoms and watch the fish swimming in lotus ponds.   gift-winning activities, “China Fire City” displays, and immersive torch festival
                  In recent years, Wuhua District has taken a package of measures to   experience, the promotion introduced the image of Yunnan’s culture and
              improve the ecological environment, upgrade the green landscapes, and restore   tourism to both locals and tourists. As is learned, the 2023 China Chuxiong Yi
              the historical landscapes. The district has promoted the museum cluster and the   People’s Torch Festival will be held in Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture
              cafe cluster around Green Lake, sorted out the old Kunming excursion route   from August 10 to 12.

          主管、主办:云南日报报业集团                                                    视觉设计 : 孙勇刚
          Supervisor and publisher: Yunnan Daily Press Group                Designer: Sun Yonggang
          国内统一刊号:CN53—0059    Issue serial number: CN53 - 0059

                                                                            采编部:86-871-64101644    Editorial department tel.: 86-871-64101644
          编辑指导委员会成员:田静  王廷尧 Supervising Commissioners: Tian Jing, Wang Tingyao  发行服务热线:0086-871-65340979    Release service hotline: 0086-871-65340979
                                                                            地址:中国云南省昆明市西山区日新中路 516 号
          统筹:祖红兵    Coordinator: Zu Hongbing                                Address: No. 516, Mid-Rixin Road, Xishan District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, P.R. China

          记者: 何嵘  王靖中  刘子语  姚程程  王世学
          Journalists: He Rong, Wang Jingzhong, Liu Ziyu, Yao Chengcheng, Wang Shixue
                                                                            承印 \ 发行:云南日报印务中心    Printed and distributed  by: Yunnan Daily  Printing Center
                                                                            电话:0086-871-64127941    Tel.: 0086-871-64127941
          中文编辑:何嵘                                                           本刊刊载有关图文,请作者与本编辑部联系支付稿酬。若有缺页、倒装或质量问题请与厂家或本刊编辑
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                                                                            The authors of articles and photos used in this journal are kindly requested to contact the editorial
          英文编辑:王世学  王靖中  郭瑶  王韵雅                                            office for remuneration. If there is a missing or inversion of pages, or any other quality problems,
          English Editors:  Wang Shixue, Wang Jingzhong, Guo Yao, Wang Yunya   please contact the printing house or editorial office for replacement.
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