Page 3 - 云南旅游文化时报(89)_2023-7
P. 3

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                     I hope you will continue to innovate on the basis of what has succeeded in the past, and open up new horizons for literature
                 and art with masterpieces that reflect the times we live in.
                                                                       ——Excerpt from the fourth volumn of Xi Jinping:The Governance of China



             Intangible cultural heritage successors in Dali

                                              follow “national trend”


        By Gong Chutong and Yang Xi                                                         □ 龚楚童 杨茜 / 文

           In Yunnan Province, the Bai people   interested in the uniquely shaped tile   “My tile cats are especially popular in
        used to place a tile cat in the middle of the   cats. Therefore, he borrowed Jianchuan-  Xizhou,” she said. Now, Zhang’s tile
        ridge of their dwelling to dispel evil spirits.   style wood carving skills and produced   cats are priced at 60 to 360 yuan, and
        In recent years, with the efforts of younger   a batch of cute-looking wooden tile cats,   she sells more than 1,000 of them
        intangible cultural heritage successors   which were well received on the market.   every year.
        in Dali, Yunnan, tile cats as a cultural   To date, Dong has cumulatively sold more
        symbol have been combined with various   than 10,000 tile cats of various sized and
        intangible cultural heritage skills. Once   different designs.
        believed to have an evil-dispelling effect,   Not just tourists, some local craftsmen
        tile cats have assumed an aesthetic instead.  also bought the black pottery tile
           On the Chinese Internet, “national   cats. Zhang Sidai, a prefectural-level
        trend” is defined as a trend of designing   representative successor of the Bai people’s
        products with typical Chinese cultural   cloth tying skills, learned to make cloth-tied
        elements. A few years ago, many intangible   articles since childhood and soon mastered
        cultural heritage successors in Yunnan still   all cloth-tying skills. Based on traditional
        lacked a deep understanding of the “national   cloth-tied articles, Zhang have innovatively
        trend” design style and products.  developed many new cloth-tied products.
           Dong Zhiming, now a prefectural-level   In 2017, Zhang bought a black pottery
        representative successor of the Jianchuan   tile cat in Jianchuan and showed strong
        Bai people’s pottery making techniques,   interest in it. “It occurred to me that I might
        was born into a pottery family 38 years   as well make cloth-tied tile cats. In 2018,
        ago. After graduating from junior high   after many attempts, I produced my first
        school, he began to learn black pottery   cloth-tied tile cat,” Zhang recalled. Using
        from his father Dong Yuechang. In the past,   brightly colored rags, Zhang went on to
        black pottery was mainly used to make   make more colorful tile cats.
        vessels such as jars and flower pots. With   In 2018, Zhang participated in the
        the changes of time, however, the sales of   Jianchuan Craftsmanship Competition with
        traditional pottery vessels declined year by   some of her cloth-tied tile cats. Ever since
        year.                              then, Zhang has entered various exhibitions
           During his interaction with tourists,   with her cloth-tied works, which received
        Dong noticed that many of them were   increasingly positive market responses.
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