Page 5 - 云南旅游文化时报(89)_2023-7
P. 5

                                                                                                                     EVENTS      |   动态

        Yunnan wild mushrooms favored by Chinese                                                      Forest musk deer spotted

        consumers                                                                                     in Jingdong

        云南野生菌深受消费者喜爱                                                                                  云南景东发现林麝
           Entering the rainy season since
        June, Yunnan sees wild edible
        mushrooms hitting the market.
        Chinese foodies travel to Yunnan to
        taste them or simply buy them online.
           With increasing popularity
        among Chinese consumers,
        Yunnan's  wild  mushrooms
        have gradually become a new
        consumption  trend,  and  the
        production value has been
        rising. According to data from                                                                   The staff of Mt. Wuliang and Ailao nature reserve
        the Yunnan Edible Mushroom                                                                    recently captured images of a forest musk deer by a
        Industry Upgrading and      With approximately 900 species   also ensures freshness of wild   infrared camera in Jingdong county, SW Yunnan’s Pu’er.
        Development Office, the province   of wild edible mushrooms, the   mushrooms. Li Qingpei, deputy   With a tiny population, the forest musk deer belongs
        produced some 316,100 tons of   province houses 90% of the   head of northwest Yunnan’s       to the national first-class protected wild animals. In 2008,
        wild edible mushrooms in 2022,   country's total wild mushrooms,   Diqing Tibetan  autonomous   it was categorized as Endangered on the IUCN Red List.
        valued at 25.054 billion yuan.  serving as the primary source of   prefecture, said Diqing has   Good at walking on rugged mountains and steep cliffs,
           A restaurant in Kunming ushers   the rare matsutake and truffles.  partnered with "SF Express" to   the deer mainly distributes in the southwest of China at
        in some 1,000 customers for the   The Kunming-based     operate dedicated cargo planes        an altitude of 2,000-3,800 meters.(Jingdong Media
        mushrooms every day. "Wild   Mushuihua market is the hub for   for matsutake transportation since   Cente)
        mushrooms have become a must-order   trading edible wild mushrooms   2021. Diqing is a top produce of
        dish, and the delicious Niuganjun,   in Yunnan. According to Zhai   Yunnan wild mushrooms, and its
        porcini mushrooms, is particularly   Zhanshi, head of the market   matsutakes can be air-freighted
        popular," said Zong Dezhi, executive   department, the market is visited   to over 60 Chinese cities in 24   Malaysia food event
        chef of the restaurant.     by 20,000 daily, with a trading   hours and to 200 cities nationwide   opens in Kunming
           Yunnan is known as the   volume of 200 tons.         within 48 hours.(Yunnan
        Kingdom of Wild Mushrooms.    An improved logistics system   Gateway)                         马来西亚美食节在昆明启幕

        Wild Asian elephants spotted in Mohan

           A total of 43 wild Asian
        elephants were recently spotted
        approaching residential areas in
        Mohan town, Southwest China's
        Yunnan Province.
           So far, locals have been giving
        the herd a wide berth and no
        incidents of physical harm to
        residents have been reported.
           Reported by local villagers                                                                   The 4  Malaysia Food and Cultural Festival kicked off
        to the Kunming fire and rescue                                                                in central Yunnan’s Kunming city on July 7.
        detachment on July 12, the Asian                                                                 The festival displays coconut rice, curry chicken,
        elephant herd was found trampling                                                             rice noodles, milk jelly and other Malaysian cuisines. A
        and eating crops at farms                                                                     traditional dance was staged by a Malaysian art troupe,
        belonging to the town's Mohan-                                                                amusing those present at the event a lot.
        Boten Economic Cooperation   migration of the Asian elephant   elephant resources have led it to   "The population in Malaysia consists of Malays,
        Zone.                       herd. A total of 60 unmanned   coming up with more "humane        Chinese, Indians, Javanese and others. The ethnic
           After days of monitoring by   aerial vehicles and more than   measures" to deal with herds.  diversity of the country has resulted in our unique food
        the local fire department, the   10 constantly updated "elephant   Since 2010, the Xishuangbanna   culture," said Faizal Bin Shani, Malaysian consul general
        Asian elephant herd has been   journey" maps are being used to   local government has been    in Kunming, hoping that Chinese folks could know more
        seen approaching residential areas   guide locals to safe places.  investing 14.71 million yuan   about Malaysia through food.
        twice and now seems to be moving   Home to wild Asian elephants,   ($2.04 million)  annually  to   Malaysia is a popular destination among Chinese
        slowly toward farms belonging to   Yunnan is known for its rich   provide an "Asian elephant   tourists. Li Yinning, general manager of Crowne Plaza
        the town's Molong village, which   biodiversity. In 2021, the news of   insurance" service with an   Kunming Center Hotel, said that since the beginning of
        is roughly around eight kilometers   an Asian elephant herd moving   insurance company.       this year, an increasing number of Chinese tourists have
        away from the Mohan-Boten   north from their home brought the   Villagers will be compensated   returned to Malaysia for tropical sunshine and lovely
        Economic Cooperation Zone.  animals into the public spotlight.  for any damage caused by the   beaches.
           Six firemen with the Kunming   Li Jun, an expert specializing   elephants by the government   Jointly organized by the Malaysian Consulate General
        fire department have formed   i n e t hi c a l  hum an-a ni m al   through means of this commercial   in Kunming and the Crowne Plaza Kunming Center
        a professional monitory team   relationships, told  the  Global   insurance program.(Yunnan   Hotel, this year's food festival will last for two months.
        to continuously "spy" on the   Times that the province's rich   Gateway,photo by Xinhua)      (Yunnan Gateway)
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