Page 4 - 云南旅游文化时报(89)_2023-7
P. 4

04          VISION     |   视觉

              Kunming  is  at  the  height  of
           summer. When basking in the sunglow,
           the newly built greenway by Dianchi
           Lake  becomes  an  ideal  place  for
           cycling, strolling and sightseeing. The
           greenway has a total planned length
           of about 137 kilometers. Serving as a
           saloon of the world-class plateau city
           Kunming, the greenway is just like an
           emerald necklace around Dianchi Lake.
           It also acts as a lake-rim ecological
           barrier, an urban landscaping corridor,
           and a cultural tourism corridor. So
           far, the greenway’s 23 km Caohai
           Lake section has been completed and
           opened to the public. (Huang Xingneng)
           度约为 137 公里,定位为世界级高原名
           长廊。目前,23 公里环草海段已贯通,

                                                                   The Gongwang Mountains, towering in Dongchuan, Kunming, has many peaks that are more than
                                                                4,000 meters above the sea. The alpine meadows here are inlaid with a few morainic lakes of varied sizes.
                                                                Often enveloped in mists and clouds, the tranquil lakes and the precipitous peaks are simply fascinating.
                                                                Due to the likeness between the landscapes here and those in Tibet, the Gongwang Mountains is
                                                                especially popular with outdoor enthusiasts. In July, when the mountains are covered with green grass, wild
                                                                flowers, grazing cattle and sheep, outdoor enthusiasts will be attracted to camp here and enjoy the majestic
                                                                beauty of nature. (Huang Xingneng)
                                                                   昆明市东川拱王山脉峰峦叠嶂,海拔达 4000 多米,高山草甸镶嵌着大大小小的几个冰碛湖,常
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