Page 15 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (92)
P. 15

                                                                                                                  VILLAGES       |   村寨

           Shangzhai, Funing:

           “beautiful economy”

           invigorates border village



        Yunnan Daily                                                                                                                   □ 云南日报

                     Shangzhai, an unincorporated village in Tianpeng Town,               Creative murals, colorful    Today, Shangzhai has planted
                   Funing County, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous                   footpaths, newly furnished folk   more than 3,000 mu of Chinese
                   Prefecture, is known among surrounding villages as a village        residences scattered at the foot of   medicinal herbs such as dendrobi-
                   of happiness and common prosperity.                                 the mountain... When you come to   um, sealwort, and Paris polyphylla,
                                                                                       Shangzhai, you will see the slopes   as well as more than 650 mu of
                      文山壮族苗族自治州富宁县田蓬镇上寨村小组声名在外,被周                                      covered with green fir trees, me-  apples and pears. Liao Shibing told
                                                                                       dicinal herbs growing under the fir   our reporters, “To date, our village
                                                                                       trees, and farmlands well irrigated.   has achieved an economic income
                                                                                       In the pastoral beauty, you can also   of more than 10 million yuan (US$
                                                                                       sense a modern touch. Here, you   1.4 million). The villagers have
                                                                                       can not only experience farming   cumulatively received dividends of
                                                                                       pleasure in the greenhouses and   more than 7 million yuan (US$ 1.08
                                                                                       fruit picking areas, but you can also   million), and the size of our village
                                                                                       spend some quality time with your   collective economy has reached
                                                                                       children in the vast parent-child   more than 4 million yuan (US$
                                                                                       amusement area.              0.56 million).” In September 2022,
                                                                                          In 2018, following the example of   Shangzhai turned a plot of its idle
                                                                                       Party branch secretary Liao Shibing,   land into a parent-child amusement
                                                                                       who became rich by planting Chi-  area, which has received more than
                                                                                       nese medical herbs, other villagers   20,000 visits by the 2023 Spring
                                                                                       also began to plant Chinese medical   Festival, bringing in more than 27
                                                                                       herbs. Soon, Shangzhai incorporated   million yuan cumulatively.
                                                                                       Funing Shangzhai Agricultural De-  “These years we’ve been pursu-
                                                                                       velopment Co Ltd and built public   ing the ‘beautiful economy’, and we
                                                                                       facilities such as hotels, restaurants,   are full of confidence for the future!
                                                                                       supermarkets, and bacon workshops,   As more and more tourists come
                                                                                       all of which have brought in consid-  to our village, the size of our col-
                                                                                       erable profits.              lective economy continues to grow.
                                                                                                                    Now, the countryside is becoming a
                                                                                                                    strong magnet for people,” said Liao
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