Page 11 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (92)
P. 11

                                                                                                             TOUR ROUTES         |   游线

                                                                                 Hongta District: Hometown of the great

                                                                                 musician Nie Er

                                                                                 红塔区:聂耳故乡 幸福红塔

                                                                                    Hongta District, named after the famous   In the Hongta Industrial Park, you can
                                                                                 “red tower”, is the political, economic and   feel the extraordinary charm of Hongta
                                                                                 cultural center of Yuxi City and the home-  Group and witness the industrial splendor
                                                                                 town of the people’s musician Nie Er.  created by the modern cigarette production
                                                                                    Once in Hongta District, you can visit   lines and the garden-style production areas.
                                                                                 Nie Er’s former residence to trace the   In Danyingjie Village, which is known
                                                                                 footprints left by this great musician, or   as the most developed village in Yunnan,
                                                                                 you can go to the scenic Jiulongchi Park,   you can experience the ethnic culture,
                                                                                 a historical site in south Yunnan, to ad-  Buddhist culture, and hot springs culture
                                                                                 mire the ancient trees, clear springs, and   and while away some leisurely hours in a
                                                                                 grand temple buildings.          therapeutic atmosphere.

                                                                                 Jiangchuan District: Birthplace of the

            Yuxi, literally a land of green jade and clear streams, is just like a   ancient Dian kingdom
        bright pearl embedded in mid-Yunnan. Favored by nature, Yuxi features    江川区:滇国故里 古韵江川
        abundant resources and beautiful scenery. With a long history and unique
        culture, Yuxi has also given birth to numerous outstanding people. Today,
        let me take you on a tour of Yuxi along its Hongta-Jiangchuan-Chengjiang    Jiangchuan District, birthplace of the   Lijiashan Bronze Museum is a theme
                                                                                 ancient Dian kingdom, is home to many   museum devoted to collecting, studying,
        travel route for a glimpse of this bright pearl of mid-Yunnan.
                                                                                 beautiful lakes. Although it is located on   preserving and exhibiting the cultural relics
                                                                                 the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Jiangchuan   that were unearthed from the ancient tombs
            得大自然偏爱,在滇中腹地嵌入了一块碧玉,镶上了点点明珠,成就了碧玉                                    is a veritable water town with mountains   in Lijiashan Village, Jiangchuan District.
        清溪之地——玉溪。这里资源丰富、风光秀丽、历史悠久、人杰地灵、文化独特。                                     surrounded by crisscrossing rivers.  The bronze objects on display here, which
                                                                                    Here, it seems that every river, every   were excavated from Lijiashan Village in
                                                                                 village, and even every stone has a touching   the 1970s, are referred as the last glory of
                                                                                 story about fish. Thousands of years on, the   Chinese bronze culture. Also undertaking
                                                            □ 云南日报客户端
                                                                                 interaction among people, lakes, and fish   the tasks of restoring, sorting and reproduc-
                                                                                 has given birth to the unique fishing culture   ing cultural relics, this museum is China’s
                                                                                 of Jiangchuan. When the fishing season   first full-featured professional bronze mu-
                                                                                 begins every year, hundreds of thousands of   seum. Once here, the clues hidden in the
                                                                                 fishing boats vying over blue waters will be   cultural relics will lead you all the way to
                                                                                 a spectacular sight.             the soul of the ancient Dian kingdom.

                                                                                 Chengjiang City: Cradle of terrestrial life

                                                                                 澄江市:生命摇篮 山水澄江

                                                                                    The paleontological fossils unearthed   the way is simply breathtaking.
                                                                                 from Maotian Mountain in Chengjiang   In Luchong, a fascinating fishing
                                                                                 District have revealed the secrets of the   village, you can stroll along a footpath
                                                                                 origin of terrestrial life 518 million years   canopied by ancient banyan trees while
                                                                                 ago. Chengjiang Fossil Site Natural History   feasting your eyes on the green peaks and
                                                                                 Museum, mainly exhibiting these paleon-  blue water. If you like, you can also expe-
                                                                                 tological fossils, is still telling the audience   rience the world’s oldest fishing method
                                                                                 the grand story of the evolution of life.  — catching fishing just by treading the
                                                                                    Fuxian Lake, with its crystal-clear   waterwheel.
                                                                                 water, was compared to a sea of blue   A sailboat base, bestowed with the
                                                                                 glass in ancient times. The lake is also   most beautiful beach of Fuxian Lake, is
                                                                                 like a huge canvas, where the blue sky   located in the Mingxing Fish Cave Scenic
                                                                                 and the white clouds form the most   Area. Here you can take a sailboat either
                                                                                 beautiful picture. Standing by the lake,   for sightseeing or for experiencing the
                                                                                 you can see mountains reflected in the   thrill of riding the wind and waves.
                                                                                 water and inhale the floral fragrance car-  Fuhaiwan Wetland Park, located north
                                                                                 ried in the breeze.              of the lakeshore and south of Cheng-
                                                                                    The Time Plank Road by the Fuxian   jiang-Jiangchuan Highway and Lake Rim
                                                                                 Lake passes through attractions such as   Highway, is getting increasingly popular
                                                                                 Yuxi Manor, Linhai Park, Yueliangwan   thanks to social media. The uniquely
                                                                                 Wetland, Yinghua Valley, and Taiyang   shaped sea of colorful flowers attract
                                                                                 Mountain. The picturesque scenery along   many tourists to take pictures here.
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