Page 13 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (92)
P. 13

                                                                                                                   CITY LIFE     |   城事

        Yunnan food attracts young consumers through innovation

        勇创新 餐饮消费年轻化

           At the Catering Expo, not just emerging   attention to nutrition, health and diversity,   products with traditional Chinese cooking
        catering brands and new-style hotels but   so they have developed a series of pre-  concepts and present a good flavor,” said
        also time-honored businesses tried differ-  cooked ham dishes and derivative products   Shi Wanqiang, founder of Shidachu. With
        ent ways to attract young consumers. The   to meet the needs of young people.  more than 30 years of experience as a chef,
        combination of the catering industry with   Unlike traditional instant rice noodles,   Shi has been committed to increasing the
        the wedding industry, latest technological   which are packed with several seasoning   added value of Yunnan’s specialty healthy
        advances and the concept of sustainable   bags, Shidachu - Fresh Flowers Crossing the   ingredients with innovative technology.
        development has injected added value and   Bridge Rice Noodles provide only one small   “Based on our research of young con-
        fresh vitality to Yunnan’s food industry.  square seasoning bag, which is not greasy   sumers, we often bring our mobile coffee
           Innovation is seen in marketing. To pro-  at all and contains Yunnan’s specialty spices   vehicles to scenic spots and central neigh-
        mote Yunnan cuisine, Douyin (Tiktok) has   such as lemon slices, lemongrass, and gin-  borhoods in hope of encountering young
        combined food with culture, fashion, tour-  ger. Shidachu has innovatively developed a   consumers,” said Zhang Sixi. Zhang vowed
        ism, music, games and more make Yunnan   freeze-dried seasoning bag. With a bowl of   to stay put in the coffee market and to de-
        food cover users with relevant preferences.  boiling water, it only takes a dozen seconds   velop more cost-effective, fashionable, and
           Innovation is also seen in consumption   to restore the flavor of the original soup.   attractive products for the young consumer
        scenarios. “We offer instant ham snacks and   “We aim to produce Yunnan’s crossing the   market. (Yunnan Daily)
        low-salt ham slices. In particular, we offer   bridge rice noodles that are different from
        raw ham to cater to young people,” said   similar products and keep pace with the
        Yang Xiaolin, branding director of Xuanwei   times. Meanwhile, we hope to integrate our
        Yangjia Jiangxin Ham Food Co Ltd. With
        young people becoming main force of con-
        sumption, Yang’s company is paying more
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