Page 12 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (92)
P. 12

12         CITY LIFE     |   城事

                                                                         Yunnan flavor stems from best ingredients

                                                                         云南味 特色品牌匠心造

                                                                           Yunnan leads the country in production of   mushrooms and is committed to introducing
                                                                         vegetables, fruits, and beef cattle. It also enjoys   them to other places of the country. “Our re-
                                                                         incomparable advantages in the production of tea,   frigeration house is divided into five zones.
                                                                         coffee, flowers, nuts, wild mushrooms, and Chi-  Different edible wild mushrooms are stored in
                                                                         nese medicinal herbs. The abundant agricultural   different zones and cold chain transported at
                                                                         products and unique Yunnan flavor are not only   different temperatures. We are capable of mak-
                                                                         favorable conditions for the province to develop   ing Yunnan’s mushrooms available to all parts
                                                                         the catering industry but also the key to the unex-  of the country,” he said.
                From October 13 to 15, the 2023 Yunnan International Cater-
                                                                         ceptional popularity of Yunnan food.
                                                                                                                Jin was not the only merchant from other
              ing and Pre-Cooked Dishes Industry Expo (hereinafter referred to   fee products right in the place of origin,” said   provinces at the Catering Expo. Attracted by
                                                                           “Our biggest advantage is that we make cof-
                                                                                                              Yunnan’s high quality food materials, these
              as the Catering Expo) was held in Kunming. The Catering Expo
                                                                                                              merchants are active in restaurants, supermar-
                                                                         Zhang Sixi, marketing director of Injoy Six®
              aims to stimulate consumer enthusiasm and domestic demand
                                                                                                              kets, and wholesale markets. They are even
                                                                         Coffee, at the Catering Expo. Based in a coffee
              for Yunnan food, promote the innovative development of Yunnan
                                                                         producing area, they have shifted from the milk
                                                                                                              planning for the overall supply chain solution
              cuisine, carry forward Yunnan culinary culture, and make Yunnan
                                                                                                              to help Yunnan’s food materials to go national
                                                                         tea industry to the coffee industry.
        New flavors enrich Yunnan cuisine
                                                                           Jin Yingbo, marketing director of Shiji-
                 10 月 13 日至 15 日,2023 云南国际餐饮美食暨预制菜产
              dishes more popular .                                      azhuang Wodao Agricultural Technology Co   and global.
                                                                         Ltd, is optimistic about Yunnan’s edible wild
              发消费热情, 拉动内需、 展示金秋丰硕成果, 促动滇菜创新发展,

                                                                                                                             □ 陈晨 郭瑶 韩成圆 / 文

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