Page 14 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (94)
P. 14

14         FOOD      |   好吃

             No. 1 exclusive flavor: fiery and spicy                              No. 2 exclusive flavor: sweet and glutinous

                             专属味道一:火辣                                                                 专属味道二:甜糯

                                  The Yi people have a deep reverence for fire,                                      In Chuxiong, you will discover
                                using it directly in their cooking practices. From wild                            a delightful assortment of desserts,
                                mushrooms to hares and pigeons, almost any type of                                 including rice wine, rice pudding,
                                food can be charcoal-roasted or fire-burned in Chux-                               honey paste, and glutinous rice
                                iong. While you may have experienced barbecues                                     cakes. Each bite brings forth a rich
                                elsewhere, nothing quite compares to the barbecues of                              and delicate texture. With their
                                Chuxiong. They will pamper your palates and warm                                   pleasant sweetness and delightful
                                your stomach, particularly during the winter months.                               chewiness, these desserts are sure
                                And of course, you won’t want to miss out on the                                   to evoke a surge of dopamine, satis-
                                bright red and spicy pickled fish and pork marrow,                                 fying your taste buds and providing
                                which may also remind you of fire.                                                 solace for your soul.

             Finding your exclusive flavors in Chuxiong

          “Chuxiong fabu” WeChat public account                                                                                      □ 楚雄发布

                       Chuxiong is a city that tantalizes your taste buds, offering a diverse       楚雄,是一座“舌尖上”的城市,从舌尖到味蕾,
                     array of flavors that can bring solace and healing to your spirit. Each    这座城市会带给你“人间百味的治愈”,会让你有“唇
                     cuisine in this city is authentic, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in   齿留香的绵长”,在地道的滋味中感受楚雄的人间烟火。
                     a vibrant and lively atmosphere.

                                 Freshness takes precedence when it comes to all                           Chuxiong is renowned for its abundant and
                               types of cuisine. Chuxiong prides itself on having                        distinctive delicacies that are deeply rooted in the
                               access to the freshest ingredients available. Here,                       local region. Each dish tells a story, reflecting the
                               people not only appreciate the beauty of flowers but                      love and pride the locals have for their hometown.
                               also incorporate them into their culinary creations.                      Known as the “world’s kingdom of wild mush-
                               Whether birchleaf pear blossoms, genista blossoms,                        rooms,” Chuxiong is a must-visit for those seeking
                               walnut blossoms, or other floral varieties are used,                      Yunnan’s mountain delicacies. Indulge in the
                                                                                                         exquisite flavors of wild mushroom hot pot, fried
                               the dishes created are not only visually elegant                          rice with Thelephora ganbajun, or even matsutake
                               but also exude delightful aromas and offer a sweet                        mushroom sashimi. The wild mushrooms are
                               taste. Moreover, the locals have a knack for finding                      cooked in various ways, offering a distinct taste and
                               edible flowers suitable for every season.                                 texture that will leave you craving for more.

              No. 3 exclusive flavor: fresh and tender                               No. 4 exclusive flavor: natural and wild

                               专属味道三:鲜嫩                                                               专属味道四:野生
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