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Car rally connects Yunnan
with Southeast Asia
On the morning of November 16, 2023, as a crucial link between China and South
the 6 “The Belt and Road·Colorful Yun- and Southeast Asia has significantly con-
nan” Rally commenced its journey. This tributed to the expansion of its tourism
event involved a Chinese fleet comprising industry. The Rally, spanning six South-
45 off-road vehicles, which embarked on east Asian countries, serves as a prime
their expedition from Kunming. Over the example of Yunnan’s outreach. With each
course of 20 days, these vehicles traversed kilometer covered during the rally, the
approximately 7,000 kilometers, venturing integration of sports with other sectors is
through captivating landscapes in Laos, elevated to a higher level.
Cambodia, and Thailand. Along the way, Yunnan offers far more than its pictur-
they participated in a series of adrena- esque high mountains, captivating rivers,
line-pumping car races, while also engag- majestic peaks, enchanting valleys, ex-
ing in various events promoting economy, pansive grasslands, serene lakes, thriving
trade, sports, and cultural exchanges. Fi- tropical rainforests, and ever-blooming
nally, the fleet made its triumphant return flowers. This wonderful land is also home
to China. to hidden treasures in the form of niche
“Yunnan’s abundant natural resources tourist destinations, waiting to be explored
and diverse geological environments have and discovered by adventurous travelers.
bestowed the province with exceptional During the inaugural leg of the sixth
tourism offerings, allowing the industry “The Belt and Road·Colorful Yunnan”
to thrive on its fertile grounds,” remarked Rally, as the participating vehicles ar-
Wang Lei, leader of the Chinese rally rived in Fengqing County, Lincang City,
team. “The Belt and Road·Colorful Yun- they encountered a brilliant blend of sce-
nan” Rally, which has taken place six nic beauty and ethnic charm. The rally
times, has not only explored numerous traversed numerous villages, tea planta-
destinations within Yunnan but has also tions, and forest parks, creating a delight-
fostered connections between the province ful and visually stimulating experience. In
and several Southeast Asian countries. Fengqing, the rally route passed through a
“The remarkable variety of natural and fascinating blend of urban roads, suburban
cultural landscapes in Yunnan has trans- streets, and rugged mountainous paths,
formed it into a paradise for outdoor sports featuring dramatic changes in altitude that
enthusiasts.” left drivers exhilarated.
Past editions of the Rally have encom- Commenting on the transformative
passed Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Pre- power of sports for tourism, Wang said,
fecture of Yunnan Province, which serves “Sports are opening up new possibilities
as a hub for an array of outdoor activities, for Yunnan’s tourism sector.” He believes
such as orienteering, camping, rafting, that in the diverse and complex terrains of
river tracing, and light extreme sports. The Yunnan, off-road vehicles have the abili-
Rally has also ventured into Nujiang Lisu ty to venture into mountains and waters,
Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Prov- reaching places that are otherwise inacces-
ince, attracting a vibrant community of sible to the majority of tourists. Empow-
marathon runners, cyclists, mountaineers, ered by sports and culture, Yunnan’s niche
hikers, and other sports enthusiasts. These tourist destinations are poised to capture
passionate individuals are instrumental in the attention of a wider audience.
driving the fusion of traditional sightsee- Blessed with a mild winter climate and
ing-oriented tourism with vibrant sports abundant rare opportunities, Yunnan is
experiences. rapidly gaining momentum in its pursuit
Moreover, Yunnan’s strategic location of integrating sports and tourism.