Page 13 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (94)
P. 13

                                                                                                                   CITY LIFE     |   城事

                                                                                               In 2021, Samantha came to the Kunming Institute of Botany for a
                                                                                            postdoctoral research project. Now he imparts his knowledge as a facul-
                                                                                            ty member at the School of Bioresources and Food Engineering, Qujing
                                                                                            Normal University, and he has also chosen Qujing as his abode. In 2022,
                                                                                            Samantha was honored with the Caiyun Award by the Yunnan provin-

                                            Yunnan’s wild mushrooms offer a rich            cial government. This award is bestowed upon foreign experts who have
                                          variety, capturing the fascination of many.       made significant and impactful contributions to the province, reflecting
                                          Samantha Chandranath Karunarathna,                the highest level of recognition and appreciation.
                                                                                               Since arriving in Yunnan, Samantha has dedicated himself to the
                                          a noted fungus expert hailing from Sri            exploration of taxonomy, systematics, and domestication of macrofungi.
                                          Lanka, indulges not only in relishing the         His prolific efforts have resulted in the publication of over 150 valuable
                                          delectable flavors of Yunnan’s wild mush-         papers on fungi, including 9 noteworthy contributions in esteemed in-
                                          rooms, but also dedicates himself to              ternational journals such as Fungal Diversity and Studies in Mycology.
                                          conducting academic research on them.             Remarkably, he has been instrumental in the discovery and identifica-
                                          Today, he considers Yunnan his home               tion of numerous previously unknown fungal species. In the year 2020,
                                          away from home and takes immense joy              Samantha identified three luminescent mushrooms in diverse regions,
                                          in his fulfilling life within its embrace.        ranging from Meghalaya in India to Xishuangbanna and Lijiang in Chi-
                                                                                            na. Recently, his research efforts have garnered support from the Nation-
                                                                                            al Natural Science Foundation of China for his research project titled
                                                                                            “Taxonomic and Phylogenetic Research of Luminescent Mushrooms in
                                             云南野生菌品种丰富,许多人都为之痴                              Yunnan.”
                                          迷,来自斯里兰卡的真菌专家萨曼塔,不仅                                  Luminescent fungi have diverse applications in various fields includ-
                                          喜欢吃云南的野生菌,还对野生菌进行了专                               ing medical research, agriculture, environmental biosensors, biochem-
                                          业学术研究。如今,云南被他视作第二故乡,                              istry, and photochemistry. Out of the 148,000 reported species of fungi
                                                                                            worldwide, approximately 114 are known to exhibit luminescence.
                                                                                            While China has reported 24 species of luminescent fungi, the number
                                                                                            of known luminescent fungi in Yunnan Province is relatively limited.
                                                                                            Currently, Samantha is undertaking a systematic survey of Yunnan’s
                                                                                            major forest areas to gather luminescent mushrooms for comprehensive
                                                                                            study utilizing morphological and phylogenetic techniques. This re-
                                                                                            search project aims to provide valuable insights into the bioluminescent
                                                                                            mechanisms of luminescent fungi, benefiting professionals such as bio-
                                                                                            chemists, ecologists, microbiologists, and molecular biologists.
                                                                                               According to Samantha, Yunnan’s fungal resources hold significant
                                                                                            global importance. With over 3,000 known species of fungi worldwide,
                                                                                            Yunnan alone boasts more than 900 out of China’s 1,000 recorded spe-
                                                                                            cies of fungi. China is recognized as a frontrunner in biodiversity pres-
                                                                                            ervation, and Yunnan’s efforts in this regard have drawn international
                                                                                            attention during the first phase of the 15  Conference of the Parties to
                                                                                            the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) held
                                                                                            in Kunming. Additionally, Yunnan actively welcomes accomplished
                                                                                            researchers focused on biodiversity studies, and the province has im-
                                                                                            plemented various policies to attract foreign talents. It is these factors
                                                                                            among others that motivated Samantha to settle in Yunnan.
                                                                                               “This year marks the 10  anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative,
                                                                                            a milestone that has significantly strengthened the bond between Sri
                                                                                            Lanka and China. The people of Sri Lanka and China share a profound
                                                                                            closeness akin to that of family, and Yunnan has become a cherished
                                                                                            second home for me. During my free time, I take pleasure in teaching
                                                                                            students at Qujing Normal University how to play cricket, a sport highly
                                                                                            beloved in South Asia. Exploring various regions of Yunnan, I always
                                                                                            take delight in sampling the delectable local dishes featuring wild mush-
                                                                                            rooms. I’m genuinely content with my work and life here,” Samantha
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