Page 11 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (94)
P. 11
A village embellished with gingko trees
Jiangdong Village, located Standing in perfect harmony, these majestic
in Gudong Town, Teng- beauties cast affectionate gazes upon the
chong City, boasts dwellings. When seen from afar, the inter-
an awe-inspiring twining pattern of the farmhouses and the
sight — over trees forms a mesmerizing spectacle, en-
30,000 ginkgo hancing each other’s allure and bestowing
trees sprawled upon the landscape a unique charm.
across nearly 700 In winter, the bountiful ginkgo fruits
hectares of land. delicately dangle from the branches, while
Amongst this vast golden ginkgo leaves gracefully descend
expanse of giant upon the village with every gentle breath
trees, over 1,000 gink- of wind. Blanketing the village roads and
go trees have exceeded courtyards, this resplendent display trans-
the century mark. Conse- forms the entire landscape into a celestial
quently, this charming village has golden fairyland, a veritable paradise on
garnered the title of “Ginkgo Village”. earth. The surroundings, with their innate
Within the village, several flourishing simplicity, serenity, and richness, beckon
ginkgo trees grace the spaces both in front tourists to immerse themselves in the em-
of and behind the traditional farmhouses. brace of untouched nature.
The geothermal spa scenic area
Located eight inviting hot springs and a sanctuary for
kilometers south those in search of vitality and well-being.
of Tengchong Once here, you will find that the rivu-
City, the ge- lets and springs that meander through the
othermal spa landscape carry water so remarkably hot
scenic area in that even the vapor gently escaping from
Qingshui Town is the crevices of rocks carries a comforting
a 5A-rated tourist warmth. You will also see a mist rising
attraction official- into the mid-air, transporting a continuous
ly recognized by the stream of warmth to the surrounding hills and
state. Boasting an array of valleys. This ethereal phenomenon adds a
diverse geothermal landscapes sense of enchantment to the surroundings.
and distinctive geological formations, Immersing yourself in an authentic ge-
this scenic area proudly claims its posi- othermal spa here is an absolute must. Just
tion as one of Tengchong’s top twelve indulge in the soothing embrace of nature’s
most alluring destinations. It has garnered own hot springs, allowing them to wash
a well-deserved reputation as a haven of away the cares and stresses of city life.
Heshun ancient town
Located three flourished, granting Heshun the esteemed
kilometers recognition as one of Yunnan Province’s
southwest of four exemplary ecological and cultural vil-
Tengchong City, lages.
Heshun Ancient Heshun features a mild climate, abun-
Town stands as dant water sources, lush ecosystems, and a
a renowned an- rich tapestry of historical and cultural treas-
cestral homeland ures. Like a radiant pearl inlayed at the base
for a thriving overseas of the majestic Gaoligong Mountains, this
Chinese community. Over fascinating town continues to draw visitors
the course of six centuries, this from near and far.
charming town has served as a vibrant As you step foot into the town, an idyl-
crossroads where Central Plains culture, lic panorama will unveil itself before your
Western influences, Nanzhao heritage, and eyes. Behold a picturesque scenery where
border traditions converge and harmonize. emerald-green mountains majestically meet
It is within this cultural melting pot that the crystal-clear waters. And delight in the gentle
distinctive overseas Chinese culture and sway of lush willow trees, with their elegant
the distinctive horse caravan culture have branches casting cool shadows here and there.