Page 2 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (94)
P. 2
02 TOP NEWS | 要闻
China-Laos Railway stimulates regional
economy since launch two years ago
By Xu Xinyu, Zhang Yong and Zhang Weiming of Guangming Daily □ 《光明日报》徐鑫雨 张勇 张伟明 / 文
On December 3, 2023, the China-Laos Railway celebrated its two-year an- The China-Laos Railway has established vital connections with various
niversary of successful operation. Since its inauguration, the railway has facili- transportation networks. It is now seamlessly linked to the China-Europe Rail-
tated the transportation of over 24.2 million passengers and an impressive 29.1 way Express; the Shanghai-Yunnan-Lancang-Mekong Line has enabled the
million tons of cargo. Currently, the railway connects thirty-one provinces, mu- smooth transportation of international freight trains; the China-Laos Railway
nicipalities, and autonomous regions in China, serving as a crucial cross-border and the China-Vietnam Railway have facilitated the movement of international
freight transportation network that spans twelve Belt and Road countries, in- cold chain freight trains. Additionally, the China-Laos Railway has effectively
cluding Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, and Myanmar. connected major economic belts such as the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the
Thanks to the operation of international passenger trains on the China-La- China-Indochina Peninsula Economic Corridor, and the New Eurasian Land
os Railway, the journey between Kunming and Vientiane now takes just over Bridge, playing a crucial role in promoting shared prosperity along the railway
ten hours. This significant reduction in travel time has led to an increase in the route and expanding China’s high-quality opening-up to the outside world.
number of tourists visiting Laos from cities like Kunming, Beijing, and Cheng- Since its inception, the China-Laos Railway has operated a staggering total
du. Du Tingting, the tourism director of Kunming Railway Bureau Group Inter- of 29,000 cargo trains, offering unprecedented opportunities for fruits and other
national Tourism Services Co Ltd responsible for the Southeast Asian market, products from Southeast Asia to enter the Chinese market. Wang Xin, a whole-
said, “We now organize monthly tourist groups to Laos, taking advantage of the sale fruit trader from Meishan County, Sichuan Province, has been involved in
growing interest in this destination among Chinese travelers.” importing fruits from Southeast Asia for three years. As soon as he discovered
Liu Xiaoping, a railway staff member at Mohan Station, said, “Both in- that the China-Laos Railway provides cold chain transportation for fruits, Wang
bound and outbound passenger trains on the railway are currently operating at promptly switched to railway transportation. He explained, “Durians, for in-
full capacity.” To enhance efficiency, the railway bureau, customs, and border stance, are loaded onto lorries in Thailand and transported to Vientiane South
inspection authorities have collaborated to streamline the clearance process, re- Station in Laos. From there, they are seamlessly transferred to Kunming via
ducing the passengers’ clearance time from approximately 1.5 hours to about 1 the railway. This entire process takes a maximum of two days.” With efficient
hour. As a result of these efforts, the operation of international passenger trains clearance procedures in place, the China-Laos Railway presents a cost-efficient
on the railway is getting increasingly seamless and faster, providing smoother solution, reducing transportation expenses between Kunming and Vientiane by
travel experiences for passengers. an impressive 40 to 50 percent.
主管、主办:云南日报报业集团 视觉设计 : 孙勇刚
Supervisor and publisher: Yunnan Daily Press Group Designer: Sun Yonggang
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记者: 王靖中 刘子语 王世学 承印 \ 发行:云南日报印务中心 Printed and distributed by: Yunnan Daily Printing Center
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