Page 7 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (94)
P. 7

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                 During the transition from fall to winter, Yunnan becomes a vibrant hub for
              various sporting events such as the Kunming Plateau Half Marathon, Yuxi Fuxian
              Lake Half Marathon, Tengchong Marathon, “The Belt and Road·Colorful Yunnan”
              Rally, and Colorful Yunnan Granfondo Cycling Festival. Across the province, mar-
              athon runners and racing enthusiasts can be spotted, immersing themselves in
              the exhilaration of these events. Both sports enthusiasts and tourists get to ex-
              plore the breathtaking beauty of Yunnan, either on foot or on wheels. This unique
              combination of sports and tourism offers a fresh perspective on the notion of
              “Yunnan: A Many-splendored Life”.

              身影,以及穿越高山峡谷的车影。以 马拉松、汽车拉力赛、自行车赛为载体与媒介,
              体育爱好者和游客用脚步与车轮丈量云南之美,在“体育 + 旅游”中共享“有一种叫

           Love marathon, love Kunming


           On October 22, 2023, the highly anticipated Kun-  has undergone remarkable enhancements in its sports
        ming Plateau Half Marathon (KPHM) kicked off. The   facilities and has become a host to an array of sporting
        event witnessed the participation of 15,000 runners from   events in recent years. “Kunming truly offers top-notch
        both domestic and foreign origins. Against the backdrop   sports venues to cater to the needs of all runners,” said
        of the lush and lively Spring City, these enthusiastic in-  Chen. “Runners from other provinces feel a tinge of
        dividuals dashed their way through the scenic route.  envy towards Kunming due to its mild climate, allowing
           In the enchanting late autumn, Kunming’s Cheng-  for year-round exercise amidst breathtaking scenery.
        gong District painted a breathtaking picture with its   Here in Kunming, we are blessed with a unique sense of
        blooming flowers and vibrant red maple leaves. Im-  happiness that is exclusive to its people.”
        mersed in the delightful weather and the mesmerizing   “Love Kunming, love marathon. My heartfelt wish
        surroundings, the runners experienced a profound con-  is for the KPHM to ignite a passion for sports, running,
        nection with nature.                      and our remarkable city in the hearts of more people,”
           Celebrating its 10  anniversary, the KPHM marked   said Haiyan, a devoted individual who has experienced
        a significant milestone this year. Over the past decade, this   the KPHM in various capacities, including as a runner, re-
        esteemed event has established itself as a symbolic sporting   porter, emcee, anchorwoman, and commentator. With each
        occasion in Kunming. Serving as a catalyst for the city’s   passing year, she continues to uncover fresh surprises with-
        vision of becoming a plateau training resort, an outdoor   in the event, and her determination to share the captivating
        sports paradise, and a year-round event destination, this   stories associated with it remains unwavering.
        marathon has taken substantial strides towards this goal.   The KPHM is creating a growing yearning to visit
        Also, it has promoted the integrated development of com-  this remarkable city among tourists. Similarly, the sport-
        prehensive sports and holistic tourism in the city.  ing event is also turning Kunming into a strong magnet
           Lured by both the city itself and the event, an in-  for runners seeking not only a challenging race but also
        creasing number of runners from around the globe   a chance to immerse themselves in the beauty of their
        have been drawn to Kunming. As they partake in the   surroundings. Recognizing the immense potential of the
        marathon, they also gain a deeper understanding of this   marathon, the relevant departments in Kunming have
        remarkable city.                          collaborated with numerous companies to offer exclu-
           “Kunming’s pleasant climate and gastronomic de-  sive benefits to the participants. These benefits range
        lights make it truly fascinating. Running amidst the   from discounted tickets to popular tourist attractions,
        picturesque combination of blue skies, white clouds,   remarkable accommodation options, invigorating hot
        and lush greenery, I can’t help but feel a sense of pure   spring baths, and delightful catering services. By provid-
        delight, as if transported back to my carefree childhood,”   ing such diverse and enticing offerings, the runners are
        said Jia’e Renjia, a marathoner hailing from Qinghai. Since   afforded a multifaceted experience of Kunming — a city
        his first visit to Kunming in 2013, he quickly developed   that holds a special place in the hearts of many.
        an unbreakable bond with the city. In 2018, he made the   In the province of Yunnan, a wide array of marathons
        life-changing decision to make Kunming his permanent   await not only in Kunming but also in other scenic lo-
        home, despite having competed in numerous cities around   cations such as Tengchong, Yuxi, and Yingjiang. These
        the world as a runner. “Kunming feels like my true home,”   marathons provide an opportunity for runners to pursue
        he emphasized. “Here, I’m able to find the perfect balance   their passion for “poetry and ideal”, while promoting
        for my life and athletic career, and I feel a profound sense   health and embracing the spirit of fashion. The harmo-
        of relaxation both physically and mentally.”  nious fusion of sports and tourism in these events also
           For Chen Jian, a local running enthusiast, Kunming   yields substantial economic benefits.
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