Page 5 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (94)
P. 5

                                                                                                                     EVENTS      |   动态

               raordinary Irish show
          Extraordinary Irish show                                                                     Global media gather in
          st aged in Yunnan                                                                            Yunnan for provincial
          staged in Yunnan
          爱尔兰舞者滇池之畔上演艺术盛宴                                                                              beauty

           The Riverdance 25  Anni-  bines Irish and international music   Dyke in front of the auditorium,
        versary Show debuted at the   and dance. Hosted by Kunming   taking the flying seagulls from
        Yunnan Haigeng Auditorium in   Theatre and Kunming Performing   Siberia as a background. More
        central Yunnan’s Kunming city   Arts Company, the cultural show   than 40,000 watched the lakeside   Themed “Boosting Global Confidence, Promoting Media
        on December 20, and this is   aims to increase people-to-people   performance online.         Development”, the 5  World Media Summit (Yunnan, Chi-
        part of a performing tour in Chi-  exchanges between Yunnan and   The show will be going on   na) and the 2  Yunnan International Communication Forum
        nese cities.                the outside world.          at Yunnan Haigeng Auditorium          opened in central Yunnan’s Kunming city on December 5.
           Riverdance is a global enter-  Before the show, the dancers   again on Dec. 20 evening. (Yun-  Representatives from global mainstream media, think
        tainment phenomenon that com-  also performed at the Haigeng   nan Gateway)                   tanks, government agencies, embassies and consulates in
                                                                                                      China, as well as those from the United Nations and other
                                                                                                      international organizations, gathered in Yunnan for dis-
        Vietnamese media cover Yunnan's many-splendored life                                          cussions.
                                                                                                         As a Chinese ancient poem goes, distance cannot
        越南媒体感受“有一种叫云南的生活”                                                                             divide true friends who feel close even when thousands
                                                                                                      of miles apart. Media play a key role in smoothing peo-
           A media delegation from Viet-
        nam recently had a reporting tour                                                             ple-to-people bonds worldwide.
        to south Yunnan’s Honghe Hani                                                                    Yunnan pilots the Chinese exchanges and cooperation
        and Yi autonomous prefecture,                                                                 with south-southeast Asian countries.
        looking into the many-splendored                                                                 By hosting the world media summit and the international
        lifestyles therein.                                                                           communication forum, Yunnan aims to facilitate mutual ex-
           In the prefecture’s Yuanyang                                                               change and mutual learning. This helps in telling internation-
        county, Vietnamese  reporters                                                                 al audience the future stories of Yunnan and China.
        stopped at the Azheke village, and                                                               When global media are once again focusing on Yun-
        their attention was drawn to the                                                              nan, the beautiful province is ready to send a warm invita-
        two-story and mushroom-shaped                                                                 tion to worldwide friends for a many-splendored Yunnan
        houses built out of stone and brick.                                                          life and a win-win future. (Yunnan Gateway)
           “Similar mushroom houses are
        seen in north Vietnam, but they
        have only one floor. Now, local   rice fields, but also for the protec-  kilometers away from the Viet-  The first ASEAN Go
        tourism practitioners are turning   tion of local Hali culture. With the   nam-China bridge over the Nanxi   tournament held in Pu'er
        the houses into homestays for   evolution of lifestyles, how to pro-  river, a tributary of the Red River.
        visitors,” said Vu Ngoc Mai, a re-  tect our tradition is worth discuss-  Luu Duc Trung used to came to   首届东盟围棋邀请赛在普洱开幕
        porter from Lao Cai province.  ing,” said Vietnamese journalist   the bridge for interviews. “The Vi-
           The reporters also noticed sim-  Dang Thi Dung.      etnam-China bridge is not only an
        ilarities in the traditional culture of   In Hekou Yao autonomous   important channel for cross-border
        ethnic groups. “When I hummed   county, the Vietnamese journalists   trade, but also for bilateral cultural
        Vietnamese folk songs, the young   covered the 2023 China-Vietnam   exchanges and economic develop-
        Hani guy Ah Chun could also pick   special commodities fair, which   ment,” said Luu.
        it up,” said Luu Duc Trung, anoth-  was participated by businesses   At the Yunnan-Vietnam Rail-
        er Vietnamese journalist.   from nine countries, including Vi-  way cultural park in the prefec-
           Luu added Yuanyang reminded   etnam, Thailand, Nepal and India.  ture’s Mengzi city, Vietnamese
        him of his home in north Vietnam. It   Almirah, an Indian wooden   journalists were impressed by the
        is also a place of dazzling sight, dec-  furniture manufacturer, brought   century-old meter-gauge railway,   The first ASEAN Go Invitational Tournament was held
        orated by beautiful rice terraces and   exquisite tables and chairs to the   as well as the station building with   in the APFNet forest sustainable training base in south-
        inhabited by friendly Hani folks.  fair. “We import mahogany from   yellow walls and black tiles.  west Yunnan’s Pu’er city from December 9 to 11. This is
           In Yuanyang’s  Mengnong   Vietnam, made the furniture in   “The Vietnam-Yunnan Railway     the highest-level Go tournament held in Pu’er since the
        village, lady embroiderers were   India and bring the pieces to the   passes through my hometown in   final of the 3  Bailing Cup World Professional Go Open
        weaving 300 kinds of traditional   China market for sale. Hekou is   north Vietnam. Nowadays, the   kicked off in 2016.
        textile products, such as skirts,   an important window for Yunnan   railway-based logistics is growing   The tournament invited the Go players of 8 teams from
        backpacks and headscarves. Us-  to open up, offering opportunities   fast, and freight trains are frequently   ASEAN countries to the city: Brunei, Malaysia, Laos, Viet-
        ing rural e-commerce platforms,   for global businesses,” said Ali, a   operated,” said Vu Ngoc Mai.  nam, Singapore, Thailand, and Cambodia. Besides, 3 teams
        more than 1,100 villagers have   staffer of Almirah.      Vu added she often goes to          from Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region and 8 teams from
        increased their income by tapping   The thriving China-Vietnam   Hanoi by train, and the beautiful   Yunnan’s border cities also took part in the event.
        into customers’ demand.     trade is partly attributed to facility   view on either side of the railway   Hailed as the legendary “Go Sage” in China’s history,
           “Yuanyang sets an example not   connectivity. Luu Duc Trung said   brings him a different traveling   Nie Weiping, showed up in the venue and gave a lecture
        only for the protection of terraced   his home is about three or four   experience. (Yunnan Gateway)  on the Go techniques. (Yunnan Gateway)
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