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02       TOP NEWS       |   要闻

                        Chuxiong Fashion Week: Continuing a
                                                   Fashion Week: Continuing
               tradition that spans more than a millennium
               tradition that spans more than a millenniu                                                                           m

                                              美美与共 一赛千年
                                              美美与共 一赛千年

                                                                                                                        □ 云南网

                  This Fashion Culture Week celebrated not only ethnic costumes and acces-  heritage, earning them the monikers of “embroidered myths” and “wearable
              sories but also a plethora of intangible cultural heritages. Every performance   history”. Notably, the Yi People’s Costume Festival in Zhizuo Village, located
              was a stunning spectacle, captivating a sizable audience. Cheers reverberated   in Yongren County, Chuxiong Prefecture, traces its roots back over 1,350 years,
              throughout the venue as many raised their cell phones, eagerly capturing the   making it renowned as “the world’s oldest fashion show”.
              enchanting moments.                                                In 2016, the Yi People’s Costume Festival underwent a transformation and
                  In the recent past, Chuxiong City, located in the Chuxiong Yi Autonomous   evolved into the “Silk Road · Colorful Yunnan” Fashion Culture Week. Since
              Prefecture, hosted the inaugural China Chuxiong Fashion Culture Week — the   then, it has gained recognition and made a significant impact on prestigious
              2023 “Silk Road · Colorful Yunnan” Ethnic Costume Festival. The event fea-  fashion platforms such as Shanghai Fashion Week, New York Fashion Week,
              tured a total of 32 special fashion shows, along with 39 overseas fashion shows   and Milan Fashion Week. This remarkable journey has taken Yunnan’s ethnic
              representing countries such as Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand,   culture from a local phenomenon to a globally recognized brand.
              and other South and Southeast Asian countries. Additionally, it encompassed   The Chuxiong Fashion Culture Week has provided people with an enchant-
              participation from ethnic clothing enterprises and designers from both Yunnan   ing visual spectacle, showcasing exquisite costumes and accessories from di-
              Province and beyond. A remarkable assemblage of over 1,100 mesmerizing sets   verse ethnic groups around the globe. This event serves as a vibrant demonstra-
              of ethnic costumes were exhibited during the event.             tion of cultural integration and exchange. It stands as a triumphant endeavor in
                  The costumes worn by the Yi people in Chuxiong boast a rich history of   sharing the traditional costumes of the Yi people with the wider world. It also
              over 1,700 years. These intricately designed garments hold great cultural signif-  serves as a testament to the open-mindedness and enthusiasm of the people of
              icance and have been rightfully acknowledged as a national intangible cultural   Yunnan in embracing the beauty and richness of other cultures.

          主管、主办:云南日报报业集团                                                    视觉设计 : 孙勇刚
          Supervisor and publisher: Yunnan Daily Press Group                Designer: Sun Yonggang
          国内统一刊号:CN53—0059    Issue serial number: CN53 - 0059
                                                                            采编部:86-871-64101644    Editorial department tel.: 86-871-64101644
          编辑指导委员会成员:田静  王廷尧 Supervising Commissioners: Tian Jing, Wang Tingyao  发行服务热线:0086-871-65340979    Release service hotline: 0086-871-65340979
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          统筹:祖红兵    Coordinator: Zu Hongbing                                Address: No. 516, Mid-Rixin Road, Xishan District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, P.R. China
                                                                            承印 \ 发行:云南日报印务中心    Printed and distributed  by: Yunnan Daily  Printing Center
          记者: 王靖中  刘子语  王世学                                                 地址:云南报业传媒(集团)有限责任公司  昆明市五华区新闻南路 51 号
          Journalists: Wang Jingzhong, Liu Ziyu, Wang Shixue                Address: Yunnan Press Media (Group) Co.,LTD.  No.51, Xinwen South Road, Wuhua District, Kunming City
                                                                            电话:0086-871-64127941    Tel.: 0086-871-64127941
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          English Editors:  Wang Shixue, Wang Jingzhong, Guo Yao, Wang Yunya, Zhang Min  contact the printing house or editorial office for replacement.
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