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                      Culture is the soul of a nation, and cultural identity is the root of ethnic unity.
                                                                     ——Excerpt from the third volume of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China



                                            Chinese cultural essence finds

                                                 expression through skillful

                                            hands of master bamboo carver


                                            竹上生花 用情镌刻中华千年文化

        By Cun Ximei and Song Yanling                                                                                           □ 寸喜梅 宋延龄 / 文

           Yang Minghui, the inheritor of the   and passing on this craft, driven not only   grandeur of Chinese civilization spanning   also a deep understanding of poetry, calligra-
        esteemed intangible cultural heritage   by his personal aspirations but also by the   thousands of years. Pointing to his master-  phy, painting, and art theory. Unfortunately,
        known as Liuqing bamboo carving in   desire to uphold the remarkable traditional   piece, titled “Lady Zhaojun Bidding Farewell   the number of craftsmen dedicated to this art
        Baoshan City’s Longyang District, has   Chinese culture it represents.  Over the Frontier,” Yang emphasized the   form has been diminishing, a matter of great
        dedicated over two decades to preserving   Liuqing bamboo carvers skillfully carve   importance of understanding the unique qual-  concern to Yang. In an effort to preserve and
        and promoting this ancient craft. His un-  intricate designs on bamboo skin, which   ities of each character and delving into their   promote Liuqing bamboo carving while nur-
        wavering commitment to passing on the   has a thickness of only 0.1 mm. This del-  inner worlds. “I hope that the viewers will be   turing future inheritors, Yang has organized
        skills of Liuqing bamboo carving led him   icate craft involves a series of meticulous   able to envision the greater narrative encapsu-  over a dozen training sessions within the
        to become the sole practitioner of this art   steps, including drawing, lining, scraping,   lated within,” Yang said.  intangible cultural heritage zone of Qinglong
        form within Yunnan Province, as recog-  peeling, and polishing. In addition to the   Over the course of more than two decades,   Street.
        nized by the Yunnan Arts and Crafts In-  mastery of carving techniques, a Liuqing   Yang has mastered not only the techniques of   The dearth of successors directly
        dustry Association in 2021. Join us today   bamboo carver must also possess profi-  Liuqing bamboo carving but also various oth-  threatens the survival of Liuqing bamboo
        as we delve into the captivating world of   ciency in painting, calligraphy, and other   er intricate crafts, such as kernel carving, egg   carving, which would constitute a profound
        Yang and experience the enchanting al-  artistic skills. Interestingly, Yang’s mother   carving, and jade carving. His relentless pur-  loss to traditional culture. Recognizing the
        lure of Liuqing bamboo carving.    shares a passion for painting. Influenced by   suit of artistic excellence led him to innovate   urgency of the situation, Yang has devised
           Twenty-four years ago, Yang’s encounter   her, Yang developed his painting abilities   the traditional Liuqing bamboo carving by   a strategy to raise awareness and garner
        with his grandfather’s “Liuqing bamboo   at a young age, which eventually paved   seamlessly incorporating numerous carving   support for this art form. He intends to
        carvings” left him awe-inspired. This tradi-  the way for his career as a talented Liuqing   methods for materials like jade, stone, wood,   leverage social platforms like WeChat and
        tional art form, which seamlessly combines   bamboo carver.           brick, tooth, horn, and more. To date, he has   Douyin to showcase his skills and bring
        carving, calligraphy, painting, poetry, prose,   Yang is exceptionally good at carving an-  created a remarkable collection of captivating   greater visibility to Liuqing bamboo carv-
        and sculpting, captivated his imagination.   cient ladies, as he finds their graceful appear-  masterpieces.  ing. Yang hopes that more individuals will
        Filled with a strong sense of duty, Yang   ance, intricate adornments, and captivating   Liuqing bamboo carving demands not   join him in preserving and passing on this
        expressed his commitment to preserving   life narratives to be a perfect reflection of the   only the mastery of intricate knife skills but   handicraft.
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