Page 4 - YunnanTourismCultureTimes (95)
P. 4

04          VISION     |   视觉

                                                                       Praising Kunming’s gentle climate, an ancient poet once wrote, “The weather perpetually exudes
                                                                    the essence of February or March, with flowers blossoming in every season.” Despite winter’s arrival,
                                                                    Kunming’s landscape is adorned with an array of flowers in full bloom. Under the clear blue skies, the
                                                                    fiery hues of cherry blossoms illuminate the streets of Kunming, infusing the city with a romantic shade
                                                                    of pink. (Photo by Huang Xingneng)
                                                                       “天气常如二三月 , 花枝不断四时春。”冬季的昆明依然繁花似锦,碧空如洗的蓝天下,火红
                                                                    灿烂的樱花盛开在大街小巷,把昆明涂抹得一派粉色浪漫。  (黄兴能 摄)

            This recent photo captures
        a  breathtaking  scene  in  the
        Upper Tiger Leaping Gorge of
        the Jinsha River. Two bridges,
        one belonging to the Lijiang-
        Shangri-La  railway  and  the
        other to the Lijiang-Shangri-La
        highway, span the Jinsha River
        valley like radiant rainbows.
        In the distance, the majestic
        Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
        bathes in the golden hues of
        the  setting  sun,  lending  its
        magnificent presence to the
        already awe-inspiring sight of
        the two bridges. (Photo by Yang
        美景观。(杨峥 摄)
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