Page 5 - YunnanTourismCultureTimes (95)
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                                                                                                                     EVENTS      |   动态

        Yunnan boasts rarely-known specialties                                                         The sixth international
        云南隐藏款“伴手礼”                                                                                     bird-watching festival

           People are surprised these days by                                                          held in Shangri-La
        Yunnan specialties they don’t know!
           Yunnan’s matsutake mushroom                                                                 第六届冬季国际观鸟节在香格里拉举行
        biscuits made an appearance in Har-
        bin recently, surprising many Yunnan
        netizens who commented, “What
        does matsutake mushroom biscuit
        taste like?” and “Even as a Yunnan
        native, I’ve never tried them.”  of Honghe Hani and Yi auton-  and American markets.
           With Yunnan producing 40%   omous prefecture, but did you   Avocados, originally from
        of China’s matsutake mushrooms,   know that Shiping county also   Mexico, have become a sought-af-
        these biscuits are highly praised   boasts exceptional hairy crabs?  ter fruit and culinary ingredient.
        by diners both domestically and   With a history of crab farming,   Menglian Dai Lahu and Wa auton-
        internationally, even being shared   the excellent ecological environ-  omous county in Pu’er city have
        as gifts at the United Nations Bio-  ment has resulted in high-qual-  selected over 20 superior avocado
        diversity Conference (COP15).  ity crabs. The local integrated   varieties suitable for local culti-
           Did you know that macadamia   farming, sales, and business have   vation, leveraging their climatic
        nuts might not come from Austral-  paved the way for its prosperity.  conditions since 2007. Today,
        ia like its name indicates? They   Have you ever wondered where   Menglian has become the largest
        might originate from Lincang city   in China the most luxurious stur-  avocado planting county in China.  The sixth Shangri-La International Winter Bird-watching
        in southwest Yunnan province.  geon caviar is produced? It’s in   This is just the tip of the ice-  Festival just concluded in Shangri-La city, northwest Yun-
           Constituting 40% of the global   Huize county of Qujing city in east   berg when it comes to Yunnan’s   nan’s Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture.
        planting area, Lincang is the largest   Yunnan. The area hosts China’s   hidden local specialties. More and   During the five-day event, 56 birdwatchers and interna-
        macadamia cultivation base globally.  largest sturgeon caviar processing   more Yunnan agro-products are   tional tourists wandered in the snowy realm and watched
           Tofu is the most well-known   and export base, with locally pro-  flourishing through innovation.   graceful birds in Shangri-La, recording 195 bird species and
        local specialty in Shiping county   duced caviar exported to European   (Yunnan Gateway)      looking into the biodiversity there.
                                                                                                         Before that, the Shangri-La bird-watching festival were
                                                                                                      held five times with the theme of “ecological Diqing, para-
                                                                                                      dise for birds”. More than 50 bird clubs and 58 bird-watch-
        Tasting Guoshou rice noodles in rural household                                               ing teams from home and abroad participated in the event.

        解锁阿昌族特色美食“过手米线”                                                                                  Diqing prefecture houses 454 bird species, accounting
                                                                                                      for 50% of the birds in Yunnan and 38% of those in China.
           I am Tippawan Kiti, a Thai
        language teacher at Yunnan Minzu                                                              (Yunnan Gateway)
        University for many years. I love
        traveling, especially exploring
        Yunnan’s diverse ethnic cultures.                                                             International passenger flow
           This time, I traveled to Husa
        township,  Longchuan  county,                                                                 at Kunming airport swells by
        west Yunnan’s Dehong Dai and                                                                  719%
        Jingpo autonomous prefecture. I
        visited Mrs Liang’s home to taste                                                             昆明机场国际客流量增长 719%
        Guoshou rice noodles — a Yun-
        nan Achang ethnic dish I’ve heard   rice noodles from the pot, grasped   typical in Thai soups, stir-fries,
        about but never tried.      one end with her hand, gently   hot pots, and salads.
           A picturesque rural landscape   rotated them like a ball of thread,   Besides, Guoshou rice noodles
        unfolded, following the winding   and placed them on the plate.  and Thai-style cold rice noodles
        mountain road to the hilltop.   When it was time for dinner,   are both refreshing, mixing sour
        Farmhouses were hidden among   Liang invited me to put on the   and spicy tastes.
        lush small trees, surrounded by   traditional Achang ethnic costume   There were also fried bee
        blooming flowers and flourishing   to immersively experience the au-  larvae on the table — aromatic,
        vegetables. Chicken and dogs   thentic Achang dinner customs.  crispy, and crunchy. It was one of
        strolled around leisurely.    Aside from a large plate of rice   my favorite childhood snacks, so   The Kunming airport in central Yunnan handled
           The table was already covered   noodles, stir-fried beef, fried tofu,   I couldn’t stop eating them one   more than 1.25 million international passengers in
        in fresh passion fruits and kiwis,   pickled bamboo shoots, seasonal   after another.         2023, an increase of 719% year on year.
        and the sizzling sound of grilled   vegetables, and other side dishes   Darkness fell amid cheers and   As a major air communication hub for China to
        meat filled the air. The food smell   also were on the table.  laughter. The night sky was clear,   connect with South Asia, Southeast Asia and Europe,
        harmonized with the bustling   “The texture of Guoshou rice   with stars twinkling in the valley.   the Kunming Changshui International Airport has
        sounds of people chatting and   noodles differs greatly from that   The summer night breeze brought   opened more than 20 international routes.
        working. This lovely environment   of ordinary rice noodles. It has a   the chorus of cicadas.   Operating more than 320 international flights per
        was so familiar and reminded me   chewier and more elastic texture. So   Enjoying great food and expe-  week, the airport has seen a maximum passenger
        of Thai villages.           good,” I couldn’t wait to get a hand-  riencing local customs and culture   flow of 7,000 daily.
           Guoshou rice noodles means   ful of rice noodles, dip them in chile   — here, food became a bridge   With the resumption of international flights and
        eating rice noodles by one’s hand   oil, and put them in my mouth.  connecting people from different   the introduction of visa-free policies between China,
        instead of chopsticks. I watched   Surprisingly, the Achang fam-  places, allowing us to feel the   Thailand, Malaysia, France and other countries, the
        the entire cooking process out of   ily feast resembled some Thai   warmth of shared hearts. (Yunnan   international passenger flow at Kunming airport will
        curiosity. Liang took the boiling   cuisines, as rice noodles are also   Gateway)             continue swelling. (Yunnan Gateway)
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