Page 8 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (96)
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                         Enhancing the appeal of
                            rural cultural tourism

                                     点亮乡村文旅 IP

           In recent years, the fusion of culture and   Presently, during festive occasions, the village
        tourism has emerged as a pivotal component of   welcomes reservations from tourist groups, there-
        industrial progress in rural areas. Rural tourism   by increasing the income of villagers involved in
        has evolved into a favored way for individuals   managing homestays, crafting Wa textiles, and
        to embrace the tranquil landscapes and nostalgic   creating Wa attire.
        sense of belonging during holidays.      As rural tourism flourishes, numerous visitors
           Leveraging its abundant hot spring resources   arrive to immerse themselves in the rich tradition
        and prime geographic position, Pianjiao Town in   of Wa farming culture and to absorb the distinc-
        Yongsheng County, Lijiang City has emerged as a   tive customs of the Wa people. Gongbao has re-
        top choice for tourists during the Spring Festival   cently evolved into a burgeoning tourist hotspot,
        season. The town’s hot springs boast high miner-  particularly attracting photography enthusiasts.
        al content including sulfur, sodium, calcium, and   Shortly before the Spring Festival, at the Bai
        more. Tailored to local conditions, several hotels   People’s Pottery Making Training Centre in Di-
        in Pianjiao Town have introduced a unique tour-  annan Township, Jianchuan County, Dali Prefec-
        ism concept that integrates hot spring relaxation   ture, Dong Zhiming, the prefecture-level repre-
        with fruit picking activities. This innovative ap-  sentative inheritor of pottery making, along with
        proach has enticed numerous visitors to indulge   his team, finished preparing a new set of tea sets
        in hot spring baths, engage in fruit picking, and   for firing in the kiln. Once fired, these tea sets
        savor a delightful Spring Festival holiday experi-  will be available for purchase by tourists visiting
        ence.                                  during the Spring Festival holiday.
           The Gongbao settlement in Heling Village,   “These tea sets, intended for brewing roast-
        Nuoliang Township, Cangyuan Wa Autonomous   ed tea, blend the intricate Jianchuan carving
        County, Lincang City stands as a key hub of   techniques with the Bai people’s traditional tea
        agricultural traditions of the Wa ethnic group in   customs,” explained Dong. “Compared to our
        Cangyuan. It is also recognized as the birthplace   previous creations, they showcase enhance-
        of the Wa people’s traditional songs related to   ments in material selection and decorative ele-
        weeding rice seedlings.                ments. These sets allow for the use of solid al-
           Zhao Guoxiang, an inheritor of the Wa peo-  cohol as a fuel source for roasting tea, yielding
        ple’s agricultural heritage, previously organized   a flavor akin to tea prepared over firewood and
        cultural and artistic events within the village to   charcoal.” According to Dong, the distinctive
        invigorate the cultural fabric of the community   black pottery native to Jianchuan is a variety
        and uphold the farming traditions of the Wa peo-  of unglazed, carbonized pottery crafted using
        ple. As the villagers’ livelihoods and perspectives   ancient firing methods. This pottery seamlessly
        evolved, coupled with enhancements in their liv-  merges pottery making, carving, and painting
        ing standards, the local government incorporated   techniques, resulting in a quiet nuanced color
        Gongbao’s agricultural heritage, Wa brocade   palette and a refined jade-like texture that greatly
        weaving, and traditional sports into rural tourism.   appeals to tourists.
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