Page 8 - 云南旅游文化时报(89)_2023-7
P. 8

08         FOCUS      |   焦点

                                                Chengjiang: Exploring fossils by Fuxian Lake

                                                澄江:观抚仙湖 探化石宝藏

                                                    In recent years, Chengjiang City in Yunnan Province has developed a multidisciplinary curriculum that comprises of study
                                                  programs such as mini lectures in exhibition hall, fossil collection, fossil restoration, and science-based handicrafts. Relying on
                                                   the Chengjiang biota as core study resources, the city has organized comprehensive study activities covering nature, philosophy,
                                                   culture, and sociology, attracting many groups of participants to Chengjiang for study tours.
                                                      In the Chengjiang Fossil Site Natural History Museum (Yunnan Provincial Museum of Nature), study teams from all over the
                                                    country can follow the commentator to have a dialogue with the mysterious prehistoric life.
                                                       Going through the Cambrian underwater tunnel, participants cannot help marveling at the evolution of life over 500 million
                                                     years. They can study the fossils and lifelike models of Kunming fish (the distant ancestor of mankind) and dinosaurs, learn
                                                      about both prehistoric and modern creatures, and gaze at both specimens and living bodies. The study programs enable
                                                       teachers and students to explore the fossils unearthed in Chengjiang, expanding their knowledge while introducing them to
                                                       different natural and culture environments.
                                                          As a national practice and education base for primary and secondary school students, the Chengjiang Fossil Site Natural
                                                        History Museum (Yunnan Provincial Museum of Nature) has relied on the Chengjiang biota as core study resources to create a
                                                         unique study brand with core competitiveness. By cooperating with higher learning institutions, the museum has set up study
                                                         teams to develop multidisciplinary courses and study programs such as mini lessons in exhibition hall, fossil collection, fossil
                                                          restoration, and science-based handicrafts. To date, the museum has cumulatively organized more than 300 comprehensive
                                                          study programs, covering nature, philosophy, culture, and sociology, attracting a growing number of participants.

                                                            Lufeng: An encounter with Chinese dinosaurs


                                                                Based on the China Dinosaur National Geological Park, a globally renowned dinosaur fossils excavation site,
                                                               the World Dinosaur Valley in Lufeng County, Chuxiong Prefecture has restored the lost Jurassic period.
                                                                 The Xu’s Lufengosaurus on display here is the first dinosaur fossil specimen constructed by Chinese
                                                                biologists on their own. Referred to as No. 1 Chinese Dinosaur, it is undoubtedly the biggest highlight in the
                                                                Chinese Paleozoology Pavilion.
                                                                   In the Dinosaur Excavation Site Pavilion, there is a complete geological section of 160 million years ago
                                                                 that is 15 meters tall, 40 meters wide, and 83 meters long. Apart from 20-some exposed paleontological
                                                                  fossils, buried under the unearthed part of the section are fossils of more than 100 dinosaurs and other
                                                                  concomitant creatures. This geological section can be described as the world’s largest and best preserved
                                                                   dinosaur “cemetery” of the late middle Jurassic period.
                                                                      During a study tour of the World Dinosaur Valley, students can see the dinosaur fossils excavation site with
                                                                    their own eyes. A close look at the fossil excavation section will help them understand the discovery of No.
                                                                    1 Chinese Dinosaur and the uniqueness of Lufengosaurus. They can even conduct a make-believe search
                                                                     for dinosaur fossils and learn about the similarities and differences between the body structures of different
                                                                     taxonomic groups of dinosaurs. Hopefully, they can solve the mystery of the extinction of dinosaurs.

                                                                         Shilin: Feasting your eyes on the world’s most

                                                                          spectacular karst landscapes


                                                                              The Stone Forest in Shilin County, a World Natural Heritage site, is a geological miracle created
                                                                            by wind and water erosion over 270 million years. Almost all karst landscapes on the earth can be
                                                                            seen here. The stone peaks are majestic, grotesque, precipitous, graceful, and breath-taking. Due
                                                                             to its beauty that bankrupts any language in the world, the Stone Forest is reputed as “the most
                                                                             wonderful scenery in the world” and “a museum of nature’s sculptures”.
                                                                                In recent years, as “study tours” become an increasingly popular way of learning, the
                                                                              Stone Forest has attracted intensive attention once again with its unique natural resources
                                                                               and complete study facilities. The study tours of Shilin focus on the traditional Chinese
                                                                               medicine culture, ecological preservation, labor education, quality development, natural
                                                                                science popularization, education in patriotism, and traditional intangible cultural
                                                                                heritage. The scenic spot has developed a series of courses on how to plant Chinese
                                                                                 herbal medicine, make Chinese herbal medicine bags and sachets, prepare Chinese
                                                                                  herbal medicine decoctions, and do ethnic embroidery and carpentry. The scenic
                                                                                  spot has also transformed a large number of study bases. All the study programs are
                                                                                   suitable for senior high school, junior high school, and elementary school students.
                                                                                     On a study tour of the Stone Forest, participants can feel the texture of
                                                                                    300-million-year-old stones, bathe in a hot spring, and witness the miracle-working
                                                                                    effect of Chinese medicinal herbs. In the future, the Stone Forest scenic spot will
                                                                                     further improve teaching scenarios, strengthen the training of teaching staff, and
                                                                                     develop more provincial-level demonstration courses for study tours.
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