Page 9 - 云南旅游文化时报(89)_2023-7
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        Xishuangbanna: Understanding

        biodiversity at the Tropical Botanical


        西双版纳:在热带植物园 了解生物多样性

           “After nightfall, it’s time for human beings to rest. When we turn off the lights,
        however, you’ll see that many amazing plants and animals are still active...” Following
        a commentator, a group of teachers and students entered the Xishuangbanna Tropical
        Botanical Garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the darkness, they experienced the
        unique charm of tropical biodiversity by watching, listening, smelling, and feeling.
           This is a botanical garden integrating scientific research, species preservation and
        dissemination of popular science as well as a world-famous scenic spot. Many study tours
        for parents and their children start here. As early as in the 1980s, the botanical garden took the
        lead to introduce study tours on the basis of scientific studies. Decades on, it has developed a
        unique tourism model featuring beautiful tropical garden landscapes, amazing rainforest sights,
        and splendid ethnic forest culture, enabling parents and children to learn knowledge about
        wildlife in entertaining ways.
           Today, apart from a night tour of the botanical garden, tourists can also go through the
        rainforest and participate in many other fantastic programs. For example, children can even
        ride on a royal water lily to explore nature. The experience will help them better understand the
        meaning of life.

        Tengchong: Trying your hand at intangible

        cultural heritage skills

        腾冲:文化研学 体验非遗技艺

           Yunnan’s Tengchong City is famous for its three treasures, namely rice paper, herbal medicine, and
        rattan articles. The Tengchong rice paper, hand-made from paper mulberry barks in the traditional method,
        is ideal for Chinese calligraphy and painting. Today, in Jietou Township, Tengchong City, this method of
        making rice paper is still in practice.
           In Xinzhuang Village, which is an hour’s ride from downtown Tengchong, many paper workshops are
        carrying forward the local papermaking tradition. Tengchong rice paper has a history of nearly 600 years.
        Today, the paper workshops here are still making rice paper and food wrapping paper. To enrich the application
        scenarios of Tengchong paper and better preserve the ancient method of papermaking, they have also developed
        new products such as paper fans, lampshades, and notebooks. In addition, cultural studies have been conducted
        into the ancient papermaking method.
           From peeling the barks to formatting the paper, the ancient method of papermaking involves more than 40
        procedures, and it takes 18 days to make a batch of paper. Children on their study tours here can not only learn the
        ancient method of papermaking and understand the intangible cultural heritage culture, but they can also sample
        local delicacies and enjoy the uniquely beautiful frontier scenery.
           Currently, the traditional paper workshops in Tengchong are striving to build a small and medium-sized
        tourism industry chain integrating cultural creation, catering, and sightseeing, with the ancient papermaking culture
        experience as the core.

        Yunnan Observatory: Probing into

        the mystery of the universe


           “Sir, what is that umbrella-like thing?” a student asked. “That’s a radio telescope, which can receive data from the
        Chang’e satellite,” was the reply. Recently, the Yunnan Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences received many
        study tour groups.
           China has the world’s earliest star atlas, oldest observatory, and most complete astronomical records. Even today, human
        beings have never ceased to explore the universe. According to Shi Xingze, deputy secretary general of Amateur Astronomers’
        Association of Yunnan, astronomy in general is a comprehensive discipline that requires knowledge of physics, optics,
        computers, and other disciplines, so it can greatly improve children’s scientific literacy and logical thinking.
           As one of the five astronomical observatories subordinate to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yunnan Observatory is the
        largest astronomical observation base in southern China. It was recognized as a science popularization base in Yunnan Province in
        1997, and its science popularization facilities include a science popularization building, a 35cm telescope-equipped astronomical
        observation room, a planetarium, an astronomical images exhibition hall, a Chinese ancient astronomy exhibition hall, an ethnic
        astronomy exhibition hall, a lecture hall, a solar calendar square, and a sundial square.
           In the planetarium, kids on study tours can follow the staff’s instructions to watch closely the main constellations in the sky of
        different seasons through the dome star theater, which enables them to understand the Ursa Major, the Ursa Minor, the Sirius, and
        other celestial bodies. In the Wentian Building, they can also learn knowledge about the galaxies, universe, time, and calendars.
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