Page 3 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (92)
P. 3

                                                                                                                       VOICE     |   声音

                      Cultural confidence represents a fundamental and profound force that sustains the development of a country and a nation.
                                                                ——Excerpt from the third volume of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China


           Guangnan                                  Zhuang                 women earn more
                                                     Zhuang women earn more

                                                     thanks to emb
                                                     thanks to embroidery
           广南                                    “指尖”                              “绣”

        Text by Huang Peng                                                                                                             □ 黄鹏 / 文

           “Her intangible cultural heritage work-                                                                 “Now we can take care of our children
        shop has been open for many years. It                                                                    while earning money. For each piece of em-
        offers beautifully embroidered clothes. In-                                                              broidery we complete, Zhang pays us 100
        soles, and so on. She takes embroidery pat-                                                              to 120 yuan. By embroidering at home, we
        terns from everyday life. Many embroiders                                                                can earn about 2,000 to 3,000 yuan (US$
        learn embroidery skills and receive embroi-                                                              280-420), which is enough to support our
        dery orders from her,” a local villager told                                                             family,” an embroider named Wang Yuxing
        our reporters. The embroider she praised                                                                 said happily.
        so highly is Zhang Fengxian, an intangible                                                                 With the advent of “new media”, Zhang
        cultural heritage inheritor famous for her                                                               has developed a series of embroidery works
        embroidery products.                                                                                     to cater to the taste of young consumers.
           Zhang lives in Zhetai Township, Guang-                                                                She also promotes the Zhuang embroidery
        nan County, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao                                                                      skills and culture on the social media plat-
        Autonomous Prefecture in the southeast of                                                                form Douyin (Tiktok). So far, she has accu-
        Yunnan Province. She was recognized as a   she has trained a large number of embroiders   that I’ve obtained a better understanding of   mulated nearly 8,000 Douyin followers.
        provincial inheritor of Zhuang embroidery   through training programs.  the profound Zhuang embroidery culture,”   “The Zhuang embroidery is one of our
        skills more than a decade ago. Over the past   “I was writing my master’s thesis, which   said Lu Hongfan, a post-graduate student at   intangible cultural heritages, but now not
        years, she has been doing a great job passing   was on Zhuang embroidery, when I happened   Yunnan University.  many people know this old handicraft.
        on Zhuang embroidery skills. She has even   to see some of Ms. Zhang’s embroidery   To enable other women in her home-  As an inheritor of Zhuang embroidery
        travelled to Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan and   works on the Internet. She uses a variety of   town to increase their incomes and support   skills, Zhang has introduced the exquisite
        a dozen other places to promote the Zhuang   embroidery skills, making her works very el-  their families without leaving their homes,   Zhuang embroidery to a large number of
        embroidery culture and products. Moreover,   egant. When I visited her at her home to learn   Zhang set up an embroidery workshop. She   people. With so many embroiders learning
                                           the embroidery skills, she asked for no money   invited other local women to work for the   from Zhang, the Zhuang embroidery will
                                           and patiently explained the origin and essen-  workshop as embroiders. Currently, she is   hopefully be passed on from generation to
                                           tials of these embroidery skills. It is from her   employing nearly 100 embroiderers, and   generation,” said Liu Qigao, director of the
                                                                              the workshop brings in more than 200,000   Cultural, Tourism and Broadcasting Center
                                                                              yuan (US$ 28,000) a year.          of Zhetai Township. (
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