Page 4 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (92)
P. 4

04          VISION     |   视觉

               As late autumn brings sunny weather, the 85,000 mu of rice in Weishan Yi
            and Hui Autonomous County is ready to be harvested. In Tianze Village, Miaojie
            Township, the villagers are busy harvesting and drying rice with harvesters and
            other agricultural machines. The golden rice paddies, roads, villages, and farmers
            constitute a painting scroll of idyllic beauty.(Photo by Zhang Shulu )
               金秋时节,天气晴好,巍山彝族回族自治县 8.5 万亩水稻进入收获期,庙街镇
            村庄、农民相映成景,构成一幅美丽的金秋田园丰收画卷。(张树禄 摄)

                                                                                                                  “Hoar-Frost Falls”, the last
                                                                                                               solar term of autumn, happened on
                                                                                                               October 24 this year. By this time,
                                                                                                               maple leaves have turned red in
                                                                                                               Kunming, attracting many citizens and
                                                                                                               tourists.(Photo by Hu Yuya)
                                                                                                                  10 月 24 日,霜降,世间万物步
                                                                                                               秋游增添了不少趣味。(胡妤雅 摄)
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