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                                                                                                                       Creative Yunnan

                                                                                                   Culture Industries Expo 2023


           The 2023 Creative Yunnan Culture Indus-  of intangible cultural heritages.  scenarios so that the audience could better   representative intangible cultural heritage
        tries Expo (CYCIE) was held at the Kunming   The CYCIE set up three theme pavilions,   understand and fall in love with intangible   inheritors, covering a dozen intangible
        Dianchi International Convention and Exhi-  namely the Yunnan Culture Industries Com-  cultural heritages. In all these pavilions,   cultural heritage skills and items, such as
        bition Center from October 20 to 24. Since   prehensive Pavilion, the Creative Kunming   visitors could not only wonder in culture   Yunnan-style variegated copperware, clois-
        its inception in 2013, the CYCIE has been   Pavilion, and the Cultural Inheritance and   and history but also feel the scientific and   onne enamel paintings, Yunnan-style kites,
        held for 10 years, making a rare case among   Development Pavilion. The Yunnan Culture   technological advances.  Yunnan embroidery, Anning tie-dying,
        China’s culture industries expositions at the   Industries Comprehensive Pavilion, where   In the Lijiang exhibition area, many chil-  Tangguozi (a tea refreshment), out-of-print
        provincial level. In the past decade, the CY-  visitors could fully experience “a lifestyle   dren were able to try their hands at making   woodcarving, Dai-style woodblock printing,
        CIE has long become an important platform   called Yunnan”, mainly presents the culture   rubbings off the Naxi Dongba woodcuttings   tea ceremony, incense ceremony, flower
        for culture industries to carry out exchanges   industries, intangible cultural heritages, and   of twelve zodiac signs. In the Xishuang-  arranging, pottery making, and linden leaf
        and cooperation and to commercialize cultural   ethnic cultures from the province’s prefec-  banna exhibition area, visitors learned to   painting. Visitors could also try their hands
        creation achievements.             tures and prefectural cities. In the Creative   make their own plant specimens. In the Old   at these intangible cultural heritage skills
           On the evening of October 19, as an im-  Kunming Pavilion, Kunming’s major cul-  Kunming Museum exhibition area, visitors   under the inheritors’ instructions, experienc-
        portant part of CYCIE 2023, a special show   ture industries showcased the profound con-  made rubbings off eave ends with intense   ing the fun of cultural and creative produc-
        entitled “A Lifestyle Called Yunnan – Night   tents and abundant resources of Kunming   interest. In the Zhaotong exhibition area, the   tion while obtaining a deeper understanding
        of Intangible Cultural Heritage” was staged   as a beautiful spring city, the world’s flower   city-level intangible cultural heritage inher-  of the unique connotations of intangible
        in the Haigeng Hall. Highlights included   capital, and a famous historical and cultural   itor Jin Li brought paper-cutting works that   cultural heritages.
        the Lisu traditional dance Achimugua, Poya   city. The Cultural Inheritance and Devel-  were rich in cultural elements and profound   Strolling at the CYCIE venue, visitors
        love songs from Wenshan, the Yi Haicai   opment Pavilion assembled more than 100   in meanings. In particular, using nothing but   could experience both the millennium-old
        tunes, and other intangible cultural herit-  intangible cultural heritages from Shanghai,   a pair of scissors and red paper, Jin cut out a   traditional handicrafts and the latest cultural
        age works of the province. The show also   Hunan, and Fujian, as well as prefectures   lifelike butterfly in no time, greatly impress-  innovation. They could enjoy the diverse
        brought the Bai tie-dyeing skills and the   and prefectural cities in Yunnan. It com-  ing everyone present.  cultural landscape of Yunnan, feast their
        Yongchang go pieces casting skill on stage,   bines an exhibition of creative products   The Kunming New Aesthetic Space Ex-  eyes on Yunnan’s colorful cultural products,
        reflecting the charm of the living inheritance   and an immersive experience of cultural   perience Area also brought together many   and experience “a lifestyle called Yunnan”.
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