Page 5 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (92)
P. 5

                                                                                                                     EVENTS      |   动态

                                                                                                      Chinese Bridge for pupils

                                                                                                      begins in Kunming


                                                                                                         The 3rd Chinese Bridge -- Chinese Show for Foreign
                                                                                                      Primary School Students was launched at the Kun-
                                                      hon 2023 kicks off
                               eau Half Marat
                   ing Plat
          Kunming Plateau Half Marathon 2023 kicks off                                                ming-based Yunnan Normal University on October 24,
          “燃动”春城,2023 昆明高原半程马拉松开跑                                                                     ushering in 58 pupils and 57 accompanying parents from
                                                                                                      all over the world.
           On October 22, sponsored by   and Kunming-Yuxi Twin Cities   the beautifully afforested Spring   The cultural event is sponsored by the Center for
        China Sports Lottery, the 2023   Marathon (Kunming Leg) kicked   City, a total of 15,000 marathoners   Language Education and Cooperation under the Chinese
        Kunming Plateau Half Marathon   off in front of Kunming Hall. In   participated in the race.  Ministry of Education. After the launching ceremony, the
                                                                                                      international children and parents planted trees at the uni-
                                                                                                      versity campus, wishing their friendship with the Chinese
                                                                                                      peers could be evergreen.
        Yunnan tourist consumption surges by 488%                                                        The international children and parents will visit the
                                                                                                      Jinyuan School, the Chengjiang fossil site, the Kunming
        during holiday                                                                                Institute of Botany and the Guandu old town, as well as
        假日期间云南旅游消费激增 488%                                                                             local markets, communities and families in the coming
                                                                                                      days, in a bid to have a fuller appreciation of China.
           In the first six days of the                                                               (Yunnan Gateway)
        just-concluded 8-day National
        Day holiday, the tourism con-
        sumption in Yunnan province
        increased by 488% year on year,                                                               Music on the Silk Road|
        which effectively boosted local re-
        tail and service sectors, according                                                           3rd BRI event on music
        to data released by online platform                                                           education closes in
        Meituan on October 5.
           Kunming, Dali and Lijiang                                                                  Kunming
        stood out as the top three con-                                                               【丝路绵延 乐乐与共】丨第三届“一带一路”音
        sumption houses in the province.   At the national level, the av-  Chinese consumptive hubs be-  乐教育联盟大会在昆明闭幕
        Hotel bookings by tourists outside   erage daily consumption in the   ing Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu,
        Yunnan increased by over 580%   service and retail sectors increased   Chongqing and Shenzhen. (Yun-  The closing concert of the Third Music Education Al-
        year on year. Nighttime consump-  by 153% compared with the same   nan Gateway)                liance Across the Belt and Road Conference was held in
        tion after 21: 00 grew by 247%.   period of 2019, with the top five                            Kunming, capital of Yunnan province on the evening of
                                                                                                       Oct. 17. Artists from around the world presented an ex-
                                                                                                       quisite concert to the audience.
                                                                                                         A spectacular performance was held in Kunming
        Special orchid found in Xiaoheishan reserve                                                    Conference Center, where orchestras from Ghana, India,
                                                                                                       Mongolia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Azerbaijan,
                                                                                                       Egypt and others performed their musical masterpieces
           An exotic orchid was recently                                                               with Yunnan local musicians.
        discovered at the Xiaoheishan                                                                    The performance involves drums, bansuri, bamboo
        nature reserve in southwest Yun-                                                               flute, table drum, sanxian, and other instruments from
        nan’s Longling county, and it was                                                              different countries. Chinese traditional instrumentalists
        identified as Bulbophyllum retusi-                                                             and the Kunming Nie Er Symphony Orchestra performed
        usculum Rchb.f. by Zhao Mingxu,                                                                Soaring Dragon and Leaping Tiger, Rushi and A Panora-
        senior engineer at the National                                                                ma Miles of Rivers and Mountains.
        Forestry and Grassland Adminis-                                                                  The concert featured a wide array of performances, such
        tration of China.                                                                              as the Mongolian ensemble performing a folk song Er bor
           The orchid mostly grows in                                                                  khartsaga (Brown Eagle), Ghanaian artists presenting Kpat-
        the east Himalaya and Indochina                                                                sa & Gahu, Indian artists performing Shrirag. Azerbaijani
        Peninsula regions, such as Nepal,                                                              vocalists sang Azerbaijani Trilogy, while the Egyptian folk
        north Myanmar and China’s Yun-                                                                 ensemble delivered a traditional music performance.
        nan province. In the Xiaoheishan                                                                 The BRI event on music education took place con-
        nature reserve, it was seen grow-  is highly ornamental and thus   Zhao, noting further monitoring   currently in Beijing and Yunnan from October 15th to
        ing on the trunk or branch of giant   worth our protection, and it is a   is needed for better understanding   October 20th. Since its arrival in Yunnan, the event has
        trees.                      potential resource plant for Yun-  to its nature and conditions for   included lectures and workshops, a Silk Road youth semi-
           "Bulbophyllum retusiusculum   nan’s gardening businesses,” said   growth. (Yunnan Gateway)  nar, and the closing concert. (Yunnan Gateway)
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