Page 7 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (92)
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                                        By our staff correspondents                                     □ 本刊综合

                                           The 2023 Creative Yunnan Culture Industries Expo provided the audience with
                                        a new experience of Yunnan’s traditional culture; the Intangible Cultural Heritage
                                        Demonstration in Shiping linked up the past and the present; the China Yunnan Pu’er
                                        Tea International Expo Fair offered a wide choice of innovative tea products...  This
                                        year, centered on “a lifestyle called Yunnan”, Yunnan has taken solid steps to promote
                                        its unique cultural resources both online and offline, enabling tourists to experience
                                        the province’s traditional culture in new ways and to enjoy the charm of the integration
                                        of intangible cultural heritage with modern creativity.

                                        裳·文韵石屏”非遗文创 T 台秀,穿越时空的长河与千年前的美丽对话,到中国云南普洱
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