Page 8 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (94)
P. 8

08         FOCUS      |   焦点

          Lijiang cycling festival attracts a

          swarm of tourists


           In the idyllic city of Lijiang, Yunnan, the   netizing organizers, athletes,
        arrival of early winter brings forth radiant sun-  and sports enthusiasts alike.
        light and invigorating fresh air. It was against this   According to Yang Shunqiong, deputy di-
        picturesque backdrop that the esteemed Colorful   rector of the Bureau of Education and Sports
        Yunnan Granfondo Cycling Festival recently   in this city, Lijiang has been capitalizing on its
        unfolded. Drawing more than 1,000 cyclists from   pleasant climate, stunning ecosystems, rich cul-
        22 countries and regions, this cycling race com-  tural heritage, and abundant tourism resources
        menced in Lijiang’s historic Dayan Ancient Town   to pursue the integrated development of sports,
        and culminated at the foot of the majestic Jade   tourism, culture, and urban construction. So far,
        Dragon Snow Mountain at Maoniuping, navi-  Lijiang has successfully established one nation-
        gating through the challenging terrain of Chang-  al sports tourism project, one national five-star
        songping. The course presented participants with   automobile camp, and four provincial sports
        a series of thrilling descents and arduous ascents,   tourism scenic spots and destinations.
        truly putting their skills and determination to the   Yin Liangqin, deputy director of the Lijiang
        test.                               Culture and Tourism Bureau, emphasized that
           Ever since its debut in 2014, the Granfondo   leveraging the historical significance of the an-
        Cycling Festival has chosen Lijiang as the finale   cient Tea-Horse Road and the former residenc-
        of this sporting extravaganza. Renowned for its   es of celebrities, Lijiang is currently prioritizing
        lofty altitude, steep gradients, and significant var-  sports projects such as mountaineering, hiking,
        iations in elevation, the Lijiang leg has come to   and off-road racing to foster a deep integration
        epitomize the pinnacle of challenges for cyclists.   of sports and tourism. These sporting events
        Against the backdrop of Lijiang’s majestic snow-  have now emerged as a prominent attraction
        capped mountains and its enchanting ancient   for sports enthusiasts seeking to visit Lijiang.
        town, this event has proven to be an irresistible   Participants often bring their families along,
        draw for both organizers and participants alike.  spending several days exploring the city before
           Nestled at the crossroads of Yunnan, Sichuan,   and after the events. These sports events not
        and Xizang, the enchanting city of Lijiang blends   only enhance cultural tourism but also have a
        the beauty of its surroundings, which encompass   positive impact on the local economy, stimu-
        a multitude of breathtaking destinations such as   lating consumption in various sectors such as
        the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Tiger Leaping   catering, transportation, and hospitality.
        Gorge, Lugu Lake, and Mount Laojun. What fur-  In 2023, the tourism market in Lijiang has
        ther distinguishes Lijiang is its pleasant climate,   witnessed a remarkable surge. Between Jan-
        devoid of harsh winters and scorching summers,   uary and September, the city recorded a stag-
        ensuring excellent air quality throughout the year.   gering 56.77 million domestic visits, a 26.09
        With an impressive forest coverage of 72.14 per-  percent increase year-on-year. Notably, this fig-
        cent, this region provides a perfect backdrop for   ure represents a 128.19 percent increase when
        outdoor sports and plateau sports training, mag-  compared to the corresponding period in 2019.
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