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P. 15

                                                                                                                  VILLAGES       |   村寨

           Dulongjiang: Tunnel                                            journey to the county town in his recently acquired vehicle. His purpose is to buy flowerpots,
                                                                            In the early hours of the morning, Mu Lisheng, a resident from Bapo Village, embarks on a

                                                                          as he plans to revitalize and beautify his courtyard before the arrival of the Spring Festival. Mu
           links township with                                            remarks, “It now takes a little over two hours to reach the county town, whereas in the past, the
                                                                          arduous journey would consume six or seven days.”

           outside world                                              abode for the Dulong ethnic group. For millennia, the   than 500 hectares of walnut trees have been culti-
                                                                        The Dulong River Valley stands as a solitary
                                                                                                             vated along the banks of the Dulong River. This
                                                                      township remained secluded due to its deep valley   mountainous region has transformed into a thriving
           独龙江:                                                       and snow-capped mountains. Locals were compelled   “cornucopia” of agricultural abundance. Previously
                                                                      to traverse the river using ropeways and endure days
                                                                                                             limited to rice and potato cultivation, the Dulong
                                                                      of arduous trekking to venture beyond the mountains.   people have now diversified their pursuits and en-
           山门洞开幸福长                                                    Their subsistence relied on hunting, fishing, and   gaged in various profitable industries.
                                                                      slash-and-burn agriculture. In 1999, the rugged and
                                                                                                               “Over the past decade, Dulongjiang Township
                                                                      rudimentary Dulongjiang Highway was inaugurated,   has undergone remarkable transformations and has
                                                                      providing a vital link to the outside world. Yet, from   now evolved into an idyllic place that captivates the
           By Li Shouhua                             □ 李寿华 / 文        November to May each year, heavy snowfall obstructs   imagination of all,” said Li Xuetao, Party secretary
                                                                      the Nanmowang pass of Gaoligong Mountain, situat-  of Gongshan Dulong and Nu Autonomous County.
                                                                      ed at an imposing altitude of 3,672 meters, once again   In 2022, the resourceful Dulong people crafted
                                                                      isolating the township.                enchanting courtyards in Dulongjiang Township,
              In the depth of winter, as a heavy snow descends ac-      In 2014, a resounding explosion marked the   using pebbles from the rivers and Chinese birches
           companied by biting winds, vehicles laden with goods and   completion of the 6.68km long Dulongjiang high-  sourced from the mountains. These unique court-
           tourists traverse the Gaoligong Mountain tunnel, making    way tunnel. Dulongjiang Township finally bid   yards are thoughtfully designed to harmonize with
           their way towards Dulongjiang Township, Gongshan Dulo-     farewell to its history of annual isolation for half   the village topography and the individual styles of
           ng and Nu Autonomous County, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous       a year due to heavy snowfall. In September 2017,   each residence, resulting in a township that is both
           Prefecture, Yunnan Province. This highway serves as a      the Dulongjiang Highway, which connects the   beautiful and livable. Every step taken within this
           gateway, leading this once underdeveloped township into    township to the county town, underwent extensive   township presents a picturesque vista, with diverse
           a season of transformation and renewal.                    repairs and upgrades. Road safety measures were   and ever-changing views awaiting at every turn.
                                                                      reinforced, and the road surface was meticulously   Bai Zhongping, a local farmer and manager of
                                                                      paved, mitigating potential hazards such as snow   “Dream Come True”, a rural homestay hotel in
                                                                      accumulation, falling rocks, and landslides. These   Dulongjiang Township, shared that their estab-
               寒冬,独龙江公路高黎贡山隧道口大雪纷飞,寒风刺骨。一辆                            enhancements greatly improved the overall acces-  lishment welcomes a steady influx of 20 to 30
           辆满载货物和游客的车辆穿过隧道,驶向怒江傈僳族自治州贡山独                              sibility for vehicles, ensuring a safer and smoother   tourists every day. With its growing popularity
                                                                      journey for all.                       through the Internet, the hotel has become a
                                                                        Today, Dulongjiang Township is witnessing   sought-after destination. The guest rooms are
           的春天。                                                       the rapid development of a comprehensive road   positioned along the river, while cobblestone
                                                                      network. Numerous roads dedicated to production   courtyards and vegetable gardens adorn the farm-
                                                                      purposes gracefully wind their way into the moun-  houses. As tourists gaze upward, they are greeted
                                                                      tains, while “tsao-ko ropeways” for transporting   by majestic snow-capped mountains, while look-
                                                                      locally produced medical materials extend deep into   ing downward treats them to breathtaking river
                                                                      the forests. Over 50 bridges of diverse designs ele-  views. Visitors find themselves enthralled by the
                                                                      gantly span across the river, facilitating convenient   township’s charm, often unable to part ways and
                                                                      transportation of industrial and agricultural products   extending their stay for as long as possible.
                                                                      to the villages and beyond the mountainous terrain.   On a country road that meanders through the
                                                                      The once secluded and impoverished Dulongjiang   verdant forest, Mu Lisheng and his fellow villagers
                                                                      Township has undergone a remarkable transforma-  are transporting humus to nurture the growth of
                                                                      tion, now adorned with bustling vehicles, towering   flowers and trees. They are adorning their yards,
                                                                      new structures, and lush greenery enveloping the   getting them ready to welcome out-of-town visitors
                                                                      entire township.                       during the extended Chinese New Year holiday.
                                                                        In the pursuit of rural revitalization, the township   The Dulong people’s lives are improving with
                                                                      of Dulongjiang has been met with a series of encour-  the presence of well-maintained roads, flour-
                                                                      aging developments. At present, over 4,000 hectares of   ishing industries, and a pristine environment.
                                                                      Amomum tsao-ko, 100 hectares of Paris polyphylla,   And they are embarking on a journey towards a
                                                                      approximately 100 hectares of prickly ash, and more   brighter future.
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