Page 10 - YunnanTourismCultureTimes (95)
P. 10

10         TOUR ROUTES         |   游线

                  Shuangjiang Lahu, Wa, Bulang and Dai Autonomous County, nestled in Yunnan Province’s        位于北回归线上的云南省临沧市双
               Lincang City, resides on the Tropic of Cancer. Its name, which translates to “two rivers,” stems   江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县,因澜
               from the confluence of the Xiaohei River into the Lancang River in the county’s southeastern cor-  沧江和小黑江交汇于县境东南而得名,
               ner. Renowned for its rich multi-ethnic culture and celebrated as the birthplace of China’s Mengku   是中国多元民族文化之乡和中国勐库大
               big-leaf tea, Shuangjiang beckons you on a splendid winter expedition. Allow yourself the pleas-  叶茶原生地。这个冬季,到双江赏樱花、
               ure of admiring the blooming cherry blossoms while handpicking winter oranges. As you bask in   摘冬橘,沐浴着冬日的暖阳,体验慢节
               the gentle warmth of the winter sun, embrace the unhurried rhythm of life.

              “Hengchun Lincang” WeChat public account                                                                  □ 恒春临沧微信公众号
              Escaping to tranquility with a tour

                     of Shuangjiang amidst cherry

                     blossoms and winter oranges


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