Page 11 - YunnanTourismCultureTimes (95)
P. 11

                                                                                                             TOUR ROUTES         |   游线

                                                                            Dalangba Forest Park


                                                                              Dalangba Provincial Forest Park is a   forests, and ethnic customs creates a captivat-
                                                                            picturesque plateau oasis adorned with ar-  ing landscape, providing a paradise for sight-
                                                                            tificial pine trees, pristine woodlands, and   seeing, excursions, holidays, photography,
                                                                            five stunning lakes. The majestic mountains   scientific exploration, and more.
                                                                            stand tall with an average elevation of 2,200   During the winter season, as you stroll
                                                                            meters, creating a breathtaking panorama.   along Dalangba’s lake-rim footpath, you will
                                                                            Vast cool temperate broad-leaved forests and   be greeted by the gentle and warm sunlight
                                                                            coniferous forests cover a sprawling 7,000   filtering through the trees, casting a patch-
                                                                            hectares, offering a sanctuary for diverse flora   work of light upon your body. The surround-
                                                                            and fauna. The tranquil waters gently ripple,   ing landscape undergoes a remarkable trans-
                                                                            adding to the park’s fascinating allure. Here,   formation, painting a serene and exquisite
                                                                            the harmonious blend of mountains, waters,   picture in the radiant sunlight.

                                                                            Shuangjiang Nest Tea Estate Resort


                                                                              The Nest Tea Estate Resort lies in the   tea gardens, traverse the charming plank
                                                                            scenic beauty of Chenjiazhai Village, Sha-  roads, revel in the joy of handpicking tea
                                                                            he Township, Shuangjiang County. This   leaves, and immerse yourself in the unhurried
                                                                            renowned destination combines the art of   rhythm of life.
                                                                            oolong tea cultivation, processing, and sales   During winter, the cherry blossoms at the
                                                                            with a celebration of tea culture, leisure, and   resort will unfurl in full bloom. Adorned with
                                                                            tourism. Embark on an enchanting journey   delicate flowers, the resort is transformed into
                                                                            that encompasses breathtaking vistas of roll-  a picturesque wonderland where blooming
                                                                            ing sea of clouds, awe-inspiring sunrises,   blossoms harmonize with the meandering
                                                                            and a captivating display of stars. Engage in   plank roads, serene blue skies, and fluffy
                                                                            invigorating yoga sessions amidst the verdant   white clouds.

                                                                            Riverside Avenue, an unmissable gem


                                                                              Now that winter is here, the strawberries   Just indulge in the pleasure of plucking
                                                                            in Shuangjiang County town’s Riverside   ripe strawberries and relish their sweetness
                                                                            Avenue are perfectly ripe, offering a de-  to your heart’s content.
                                                                            lightful opportunity for harvesting. These   When you enter the strawberry garden,
                                                                            luscious fruits are a vibrant shade of red,   explore for plump and enticing strawberries
                                                                            enticingly juicy, and scattered abundantly   nestled beneath the green leaves. Envision
                                                                            across the ground. For the optimal straw-  their succulent texture as they dissolve on
                                                                            berry-picking experience, choose a sunny   your tongue, causing your mouth to water in
                                                                            day with clear skies and a gentle breeze.   anticipation.

                                                                            Xiumei Tea Garden scenic spot


                                                                              The Xiumei Tea Garden scenic spot can   resemble lanterns adorned with smooth, velvety
                                                                            be found within Shuangjiang County’s Meng-  skins. Despite their petite size, comparable to
                                                                            ku Overseas Chinese Farm. This charming   ping-pong balls, they offer a delightful burst
                                                                            destination offers an opportunity to explore   of flavor. Upon peeling off the skin, a pleasant
                                                                            the hometown of overseas Chinese, immerse   aroma permeates the air, while the intricate
                                                                            yourself in tea culture, hand-pick fresh fruits,   patterns on the citrus segments showcase their
                                                                            and indulge in local delicacies. Within the   natural beauty. Examining a segment in the
                                                                            scenic spot, you’ll discover various attrac-  palm of your hand, its shape mirrors that of a
                                                                            tions like the serene Dulashan Reservoir   crescent moon. Placing it back into the fruit
                                                                            and the enlightening Healthy Aquaculture   reveals a whole orange mimicking the radi-
                                                                            Demonstration Farm. Additionally, you can   ance of a rising sun—a sight so enchanting!
                                                                            visit the old tea factory and witness the tradi-  As you depart the garden, it’s worth consider-
                                                                            tional process of tea production firsthand.  ing taking along a basket of these auspicious
                                                                              In the wintertime, as the oranges ripen, they   and fortune-bearing fruits.
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