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14         FOOD      |   好吃

                  Zhaotong: Incorporating Gastrodia into

                                daily diet for improved health


                                                                                                           □ 文旅头条
               Yiliang County, located in Zha-
             otong City, Yunnan Province, is                                        haotong City, located in Yunnan   Chicken with Gastrodia, which combines
                                                                                    Province, is renowned as the
                                                                                                               Xiaocaoba Gastrodia with locally sourced
             widely recognized as a major                                      Zprimary region for producing   free-range chicken. The ingredients are
             producer of Gastrodia in China.                                   high-quality wild Gastrodia in China.   simmered in a casserole over low heat,
             Among the various areas in Yil-                                   Within Zhaotong City, Yiliang County   creating a rich and flavorful broth. For
             iang, the Gastrodia produced in                                   stands out due to its unique geograph-  cold noodles with Gastrodia, a dough is
             Xiaocaoba Township stands out                                     ical environment and pleasant climate.   prepared by mixing flour with Gastrodia
                                                                               This region not only boasts breathtaking
                                                                                                               juice, imparting a subtle Gastrodia aroma
             and enjoys a global reputation.                                   scenery throughout the year but also nur-  to the noodles. Cabbage with Gastrodia is
             As Gastrodia has gained popular-                                  tures the exquisite Xiaocaoba Gastrodia,   another enticing option, featuring Xiaoc-
             ity and become more accessible                                    known for its beautiful appearance and   aoba Gastrodia, Suijiang taro, Zhaotong
             to the general public, it is increas-                             unparalleled quality.           cabbage, and locally sourced chicken.
             ingly used in a variety of dishes,                                  Xiaoxiaoba Gastrodia tubers are   This dish not only offers a vibrant color
             including stewed chicken, stewed                                  characterized by their substantial size,   and alluring fragrance but also boasts
                                                                               plumpness, translucency, and firmness.
                                                                                                               delightful flavors and health-enhancing
             pork, hot pot, steamed dishes,                                    Renowned for their exceptional quality,   properties. Lastly, the ham and chicken
             and stir-fried preparations. How-                                 they serve as the epitome of Gastrodia in   hot pot with Gastrodia incorporates Xiao-
             ever, the Gastrodia sourced from                                  both Zhaotong City and Yunnan Province.   caoba Gastrodia, Xuanwei ham, locally
             Xiaocaoba is often regarded as                                    In fact, when people refer to “Yunnan   sourced chicken, and a variety of nourish-
             the top choice for preparing these                                Gastrodia”, they are essentially referring to   ing herbs. This hot pot not only delivers
             nourishing culinary creations.                                    the produce from Yiliang County, particular-  a refreshing soup and delectable taste but
                                                                               ly the esteemed Xiaoxiaoba Gastrodia. As a   also promotes overall well-being.
                                                                               result, Yiliang has earned the reputation of   In addition to the aforementioned dishes,
                                                                               being the “hometown of Gastrodia” and the   Zhaotong cuisine also offers other delec-
                                                                               global “origin of Gastrodia”.   table Gastrodia creations, such as rolls of
                昭通市彝良县是中国天麻的主产                                                   Over time, the people of Zhaotong   edible wild herbs with Gastrodia, fish head
             区,其中以小草坝天麻最为出名。随                                                  have cultivated a wide range of cooking   with Gastrodia, and Stichopus japonicus
                                                                               techniques for preparing Gastrodia.  with Gastrodia. These dishes combine the
                                                                                 There are several culinary prepara-  distinctive qualities of Gastrodia with a
                                                                               tions of Gastrodia in Zhaotong cuisine   diverse array of ingredients, allowing diners
             方法,使得小草坝天麻成为人们心心                                                  that highlight its unique flavors and health   to savor the wide range of culinary delights
             念念的“舌尖美食”。                                                        benefits. One popular dish is Steam Pot   that Gastrodia has to offer.
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