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                                                                                         Developing China’s own coffee


                                                                                           In Baoshan, Yunnan, driven by ingenuity and a dream of promoting
                                                                                         high-quality coffee, young entrepreneur Yang Zhu is helping pave the way
                                                                                         for the future of locally produced small-grain coffee.
                                                                                           As a young entrepreneur born after 1985, Yang Zhu has been dedicated
                                                                                         to promoting Baoshan’s small-grain coffee ever since he established his own
                                                                                         company, Zhongka, which means “Chinese coffee” in literal translation. With
                                                                                         over a decade of relentless efforts, the company has successfully built its
                                                                                         own comprehensive industry chain. Through collaboration with the Institute
                                                                                         of Tropical and Subtropical Cash Crops at Yunnan Academy of Agricultural
                                                                                         Sciences, Zhongka has cultivated “No.1 Yunnan Coffee”, China’s first-ever
                                                                                         small-grain coffee variety.
                                                                                           Sinloy, a brand owned of Zhongka, has been the top-selling coffee bean
                                                                                         brand on China’s leading e-commerce platforms Taobao and Tmall for five
                Young entrepreneurs envision                                             consecutive years. Yang Zhu’s journey in the realm of high-end Yunnan cof-
                                                                                         fee has effectively raised awareness among a larger audience, illuminating
                                                                                         the distinctive allure and value of Yunnan coffee.
               opportunities in Yunnan coffee

                      青年企业家的“云咖”情缘                                                        “Third generation coffee farmer”

                                                                                         exploring a new track

           In recent years, the growing prominence of the “Yunnan coffee” brand has inspired a wave of   “咖三代”探索新赛道
        entrepreneurship among young individuals in the coffee industry. Yunnan coffee embodies more than
        just taste and flavor; it tells extraordinary stories.                             Yang Hongjian comes from a lineage of coffee farmers, spanning
                                                                                         three generations. His grandfather and father were pioneers in large-scale
                                                                                         coffee cultivation in Pu’er. Growing up in this environment, Hongjian
                                                                                         developed a profound connection to coffee farming. In 2020, he made the
                                                                                         decision to leave his teaching job and return to his hometown, Dakaihe
                                                                                         Village, Simao District, Pu’er City. Here, he established the Wild Duck
                                                                                         Pond Manor, a unique destination that seamlessly combines coffee pro-
                                                                                         duction and tourism.
                                                                                           The rich coffee farming heritage and favorable environment of Dakai-
                                                                                         he Village have attracted a group of coffee experts who have significantly
                                                                                         contributed to enhancing the quality of coffee beans and promoting coffee
                                                                                         culture at the Wild Duck Pond Manor. Through the “coffee plus tourism”
                                                                                         approach, the manor has provided an opportunity for volunteer coffee
                                                                                         enthusiasts from across China to immerse themselves in the charms of
                                                                                         Pu’er. These volunteers gain a comprehensive understanding of the entire
                                                                                         coffee production process, from seed to cup, and find joy in the tranquil
                                                                                         rural lifestyle.

                                                                                         “New Yunnanese” Marty enriches

                                                                                         coffee experience with unique touch


                                                                                           Marty Pollack from Texas, United States, expressed his admiration for
                                                                                         both Pu’er and Yunnan coffee, saying, “Both have the potential to make a
                                                                                         global impact.” Reflecting on the evolution of Yunnan coffee, Marty empha-
                                                                                         sized the substantial improvement in its quality over the years.
                                                                                           After he arrived in China in 2005, Marty initially focused on midwest-
                                                                                         ern cities, learning the Chinese language and managing bakeries and cafes.
                                                                                         However, in 2014, Marty made a pivotal move to Pu’er in Yunnan province.
                                                                                         It was here that he established Torch Coffee Company a year later. Beyond
                                                                                         being a coffee shop dedicated to producing and processing exceptional lo-
                                                                                         cally-sourced coffee, the company also specializes in offering professional
                                                                                         coffee education programs such as the Sustainable Coffee Institute (SCI),
                                                                                         Specialty Coffee Association (SCA), and Coffee Quality Institute (CQI).
                                                                                         These initiatives aim to consistently enhance the quality of Yunnan coffee
                                                                                         and facilitate its commercialization.
                                                                                           Calling himself “New Yunnanese”, Marty aspires to generate greater value
                                                                                         for Yunnan coffee in the coming years. His ultimate goal is to showcase the ex-
                                                                                         ceptional quality of Yunnan coffee to consumers in the most direct way, ensuring
                                                                                         that every individual has the opportunity to savor the best Yunnan coffee.
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