Page 3 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (96)
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                                                                                                                       VOICE     |   声音

                      We should develop new forms of business and new models of consumption in the cultural sector, so that the people have a
                   stronger sense of fulfillment and happiness from enjoying refined cultural products and services.
                                                                        ——Excerpt from the third volume of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China


           Walking into the Pan’s Dragon Kiln in Daying                                                  Shaohua recounted, his ancestors exclusively utilized
        Community, Jiuxi Town, Jiangchuan District, Yuxi                                                 locally sourced materials for pottery making, refrain-
        City, you will feel the profound history of this 50-me-                                          ing from incorporating any chemical additives. Em-
        ter-long kiln.                                                                                   ploying traditional firing methods, the pottery items
           “The Dragon Kiln is situated on the mountain side                                             produced were characterized by durability and a sense
        and earned its name due to its resemblance to a drag-                                            of rustic elegance. Dating back to ancient eras, the
        on. It is an ascending kiln comprised of a total of 17                                           wine urns, pickle jars, and various pots crafted by the
        pits. This kiln existed before my ancestors settled in                                           Dragon Kiln gained renown for their utility and found
        Jiuxi, and now, no one can accurately determine its                                              widespread usage in the everyday lives of local resi-
        age,” said Pan Shaohua, the current custodian of the                                             dents.
        Dragon Kiln, as he searched through a genealogy book                                               Amid the swift evolution of modern society, Shao-
        of the Pan family. Over 300 years ago, Shaohua’s                                                 hua is dedicated to enhancing the quality of pottery
        ancestors were engaged in pottery making in Yuxi.   Pan’s Dragon Kiln                            pieces, aiming to elevate them from everyday items to
        During the Qing Dynasty, the Pan family established                                              true works of art.
        themselves in Jiuxi, Jiangchuan, and for five genera-                                              “In the past, no one was willing to teach pottery
        tions to date, they have carried on the tradition of fir-  in Jiangchuan:                        making skills to others, so mastery was achieved
        ing the Dragon Kiln, known as the Pan’s Dragon Kiln.                                             through a trial-and-error process, often accompanied
           Inspired by his grandparents, Shaohua started creat-  passing the flame                       by inevitable difficulties,” explained Shaohua. He has
        ing pottery at 13, and by 15, he was able to craft pottery                                       inherited the generations-old tradition of pottery mak-
        independently. Day by day, year after year, Shaohua                                              ing, skillfully transforming plain clay into refined art
        dedicated himself to honing his pottery skills towards ex-                                       pieces using a potter’s wheel. Over time, Pan’s Dragon
        cellence. Today, recognized as a district-level inheritor of   江川潘氏龙窑:                           Kiln has evolved by infusing diverse cultural elements
        intangible cultural heritage, he stands as a master crafts-                                      into their pottery creations, resulting in pieces that
        man in the art of pottery making.                                                                exhibit enhanced beauty, intricacy, and a variety of
           “A piece of pottery goes through over 70 steps, in-  匠心不灭                                     shapes, patterns, and production techniques. Through
        cluding greenware throwing, fettling, glazing, loading,                                          constant innovation, these pottery items now cater
        and firing. While the process may appear simple, with-                                           more closely to the market demand for artisanal crafts
        out consistent daily practice, achieving high-quality   龙窑不熄                                     and gifts, with their range expanding from dozens to
        pottery is impossible,” said Shaohua. Throughout his                                             hundreds, illustrating the enduring vibrancy of this an-
        lifetime, he has immersed himself in pottery making,                                             cient kiln.
        meticulously overseeing each step with unwavering                □ 文旅头条            Amid the current surge in educational tours this
        dedication. To him, every pottery piece is akin to his                                           year, Shaohua has seized the opportunity to draw a
        own child, deserving of his utmost care and attention.                                           larger audience to the Dragon Kiln, enabling visitors
           The key distinctions between a master pottery maker                                           to immerse themselves in the historical and cultural
        and a mediocre one lie in their greenware throwing and                                           legacy of this wood-fired kiln. Collaborating closely
        fettling abilities. At Pan’s Dragon Kiln, pine wood is                                           with the township government and local schools, he
        used as fuel, with the turpentine content aiding in rapidly                                      has established a practical learning hub. By offering
        reaching the necessary high temperatures. This unique                                            complimentary instruction in pottery making tech-
        approach allows the kiln to create pottery pieces that ex-                                       niques and firing pottery pieces, the kiln has provided
        ude elegance and classic simplicity. Nevertheless, owing                                         numerous primary and secondary school students with
        to the varying heat levels among the kiln’s wind holes,                                          immersive experiences in the art of pottery produc-
        the glaze colors differ, resulting in each kiln opening                                          tion. This initiative has injected youthful enthusiasm
        yielding pleasantly surprising outcomes.                                                         into pottery making, further nurturing this intangible
           “When a wood-fired kiln is used, maintaining                                                  cultural heritage.
        the heat level can be challenging once the fire is lit.                                            “The process of creating pottery is akin to journey-
        Throughout the firing process, firewood needs to be                                              ing through time. Rooted in mud and fire, this ancient
        added through the wind holes, and even the slightest                                             craft has been transmitted through generations via oral
        error can result in failure. Consequently, only a small                                          tradition. Upon beholding these exquisitely shaped and
        percentage of greenware pieces will meet the standard                                            vibrantly colored pieces, one can sense the potters’ un-
        to become finished products. Despite this, the wood-                                             wavering dedication and creative drive, which serve as
        fired kiln boasts unparalleled advantages,” explained                                            a profound well of inspiration,” said Zhang Tengyue, a
        Shaohua. Due to the age of the Dragon Kiln, Shaohua                                              university junior. With a fervent curiosity and deep love
        undertakes annual renovations. Today, the kiln has                                               for the traditional methods of pottery making, Tengyue
        transitioned from an earth kiln to a combination of                                              holds firm to the belief that her handcrafted pottery, once
        brick and earth construction. Nonetheless, the tradition                                         fired in the kiln, will embody a lasting essence and signif-
        of pottery making persists, ensuring the legacy and                                              icance reflective of her relentless pursuit.
        evolution of the Pan ancestors’ skills in pottery crafts-                                          Proudly, Shaohua remarked, “Pan’s Dragon Kiln
        manship.                                                                                         stands as a testament to the evolution of pottery in Ji-
           Jiuxi Township boasts exceptional natural resourc-                                            angchuan across centuries. I have faith that the eternal
        es, particularly an abundance of compression-resistant,                                          flame of the kiln will persist, breathing new life into
        tensile clay ideal for crafting exquisite pottery. As                                            our pottery once more.”
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